posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:07 PM
I'm a guitar builder in north texas who just received both, a contract to build Brian May's Red Special and remote access to work from home. I'll
be posting updates on YouTube .
I knew Brian and his dad developed and built this guitar, but after researching, realized how different it is from anything I've built previously.
Authentic replicas dont exist, luckily there's a guy in New Jersey who builds the tremolo, bridge and pickguard.
The original used Sandwiched blockboard to create a semihollow body with a mahogany veneer. I'm gonna build the body out of mahogany with a
mahogany cap like telecaster semi hollows.
Here's a link to the first part of the build on my YouTube channel. You can also search for Meekguitars on Facebook and Instagram or checkout