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China's Chernobyl

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posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

Help me understand here. I thought your thread was about incompetence. Incompetence. You pointed out cases of incompetence in China and I pointed out cases of incompetence in Washington. Yes or no. You say that there was culpability in Wuhan and I say there was culpability in Washington. You claim that the leaders in Wuhan knew about it and did nothing. I claim that the leaders in Washington knew about it and the precautions that are needed and IGNORED THEM right there in front of a national audience.

Or is it just that you are here to bash China. If so it is you who has made this a political discussion, not me. Otherwise a thread about incompetence and culpability needs to look at a larger picture than just pointing the finger in one direction.

Ever heard the saying - "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" - ?

That's the point. I'm not here to talk about what our officials are doing in response, there are plenty of other threads for that. I'm talking specifically about China's fault in the CAUSE of this. Their roles and responsibilities. Future prevention by recognizing the problems now. The reason this happened in China and not elsewhere. The reason China covered it up and lied. The reason they let people gather in a known area that was quarantined AFTER everyone partied together and left on vacation. This isn't about American politics.

The response we're seeing with social distancing is to prevent it from spreading. The fact that they are on stage shoulder to shoulder IMO, represents that they are confident in the testing around them, and are showing confidence in the face of fear of being infected themselves. I think you're buying WAY too much into the stand of unity and solidarity because of the political leanings or lenses through which you see the world.

This virus sees no borders, no colors, no creeds, no religions, no politics, no personal agenda... if we don't fight it the same way, we're going to see millions die. What's so difficult to understand about that?

Again, the thread isn't to talk about our response. It's about China's negligence. Let's talk about why someone was peed on and bled on by an infected bat, and all they did was self-quarantine? Would that have been our CDC's response in a level 4 lab? No way. Why didn't that notify the top authorities? If it did, why did they response so casually and irresponsibly? THAT is worth talking about. Not why you see our political officials as hypocritical because they aren't social distancing on camera.


posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

It's about China's negligence.

So, your thread IS about scapegoating China. You say it right there.

This virus sees no borders, no colors, no creeds, no religions, no politics, no personal agenda... if we don't fight it the same way, we're going to see millions die. What's so difficult to understand about that?

Yes indeed. Yet you state that you want to focus on just exactly how this was loosed upon the world, right? OK. It appears to have come from China and how it was not focused on there properly, right? Fine. But could it not have originated somewhere else with the same lackadaisical attitude towards what was happening? I say yes, just like you suggest in your observation above. No colors, no creeds no personal agendas.

In that spirit, I find it negligent on our parts to just focus on this specific incident, how we might believe it was dealt with somewhere in China when it just as easily have come out of Russia, or Korea, or Argentina. Do we suppose that any of those places would have dealt with it better? I don't know as that would have been the case.

Likewise how did the US deal with it back aways. Did Trump just poo poo it? Did he for weeks just say it will go away when it got warmer? Yup, he did and put forth that approach for quite a while. So you may think that I am just Trump bashing, I am not. The problem extends beyond Trump and the party animals in Wuhan.

It's a combined responsiblity for all of us to realize that we are not living in isolated tribes spread thinly across a near empty globe. We are now living on a planet that is filled with people who have access to transportation that can spread things like this anywhere in a rapid fashion where in the past it would take months or even die out from an inability to travel. Right?

So focusing on one point of origin and placing blame there makes no sense to me other than the excuse of placing the blame elsewhere. The blame for this whole debacle is us and our desire to look the other way and refuse to deal with the realities that we face. That we have a global economy and a global information net. And global threats that threaten us all. You I think realize this from aspects of your replies. So yes, let's talk along those lines, not just how some people who are likely much like many of us over here failed.

(post by shooterbrody removed for a manners violation)
(post by shooterbrody removed for a manners violation)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 10:13 PM
China is responsible for this ENTIRE event.
Saying they are not is laughable.
Why any would attempt to defend the chinese at the expense of the president I will never understand.
BAMN I guess.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

Hayward: It’s Time to Quarantine the Chinese Communist Party

China kept international officials from visiting the hot zone, politically corrupted the World Health Organization (WHO) – which was advising against travel bans just as the Wuhan virus was exploding into a global pandemic, and wouldn’t even admit it was a “pandemic” until one week ago, when it became impossible to deny the truth – and is now expelling foreign journalists, cutting off the meager trickle of clean information to the outside world.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
China is responsible for this ENTIRE event.
Saying they are not is laughable.
Why any would attempt to defend the chinese at the expense of the president I will never understand.
BAMN I guess.

At Least Italy is Finally Saying what other Western Nations are Afraid to say . This Coronavirus is an ACT OF WAR Against them , and the Communist Chinese Government Will Eventually Pay a High Price for it !

edit on 30-3-2020 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

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