posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 05:25 PM
After having seen people overreact so strongly to the coronavirus -- which by all accounts and statistics seems to be a mild- to moderate-level threat
compared to other various flus and colds that happen each year around this time -- it kind of makes me wonder what's going to happen the next time a
significant virus hits. Something that actually does spread fast and hard and kills a much higher percentage of people exposed to it.
Will people think that someone is crying wolf and ignore the warnings even harder? Will the foolish panic even sooner, stripping the stores of toilet
paper at the first mention of it in the news? Will it become "oh, well, another one," with people simply reverting to their now-taught habitual
behavior of isolation?
I wonder. About a lot of things. For instance, how does coronavirus compare statistically to infections and deaths by other non-coronavirus flu
strains that are certainly happening at the same time? Where are those numbers? After all, each year a LOT of people die from "ordinary" flu and
pneumonia. Are people going to start panicking over those now, when we used to just practice basic sanitation to keep them at bay?
FWIW, since this is a Predictions thread I tossed an online three-card Tarot and the Knight of Cups came up for the "future." So... someone with a
cure, or an answer? Pretty positive, really. The second card was the Nine of Wands (the "present'), so at this point I guess I'll just have to wait
and see.
edit on 17-3-2020 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)