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LIVE: Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing

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posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:36 PM
It's funny how the President has removed an MSM criticism...that he's not taking the virus seriously enough.

Fredo's brother, Cuomo of New York wants the U.S. Military to start constructing hospitals in New York! I'm going to start a thread tonight about the "craziest things you've heard" from leaders regarding this CoronaVirus hysteria.

I wonder which Politician or MSM "expert" will be the first to suggest that "burn pits" be dug and made ready for the U.S. carnage to come?

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:42 PM
A little humor would do us all well.

This will pass and 99+% of us will be ok and we are now assured of a re elected Trump and reports out today are that in about a year John Durham will begin his indictments.
Long is the road and hard is the way.

originally posted by: carewemust
It's funny how the President has removed an MSM criticism...that he's not taking the virus seriously enough.

Fredo's brother, Cuomo of New York wants the U.S. Military to start constructing hospitals in New York! I'm going to start a thread tonight about the "craziest things you've heard" from leaders regarding this CoronaVirus hysteria.

I wonder which Politician or MSM "expert" will be the first to suggest that "burn pits" be dug and made ready for the U.S. carnage to come?

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:45 PM
Another year? I thought it was this spring? Always something.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:49 PM
I know, I am disappointed however I have waited my whole life for the kind of justice that is on the table here, so I will give it another year.
I believe if Trump wins the re election the indictments follow if Trump loses re election the guilty walk free.
I don't like it but that is what it looks like to me.

originally posted by: toolgal462
Another year? I thought it was this spring? Always something.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 06:23 PM
I like this directive :

If you are an older American, stay home and away from other people.

Hell , I been a doin this for decades.
Completely voluntarily .

edit on 3/16/20 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

There has so far not been any threat of anyone getting locked up. Taverns here were supposed to go to half capacity maximum. the Governor warned they would lose their liquer license or their ability to purchase alcohol for their business if they did not comply. Evidently some bars did not comply, bars are now shut down, a few jerks ruined it for everyone.

Nobody abducted anyone, some sick had to be quarantined, when cleared they were allowed to leave. No social conditioning involved. no concentration camp. I agree with them trying to stop others from getting infected since they didn't know yet the best ways to treat this disease. Now that they have found some decent treatments and medicines, they are not so strict, if it spreads at least they have some way of fighting it now.

The ones now that are really sick need to go to the hospital, you are quarantined to your home if you have been found to have a mild verified case most times.

I am more concerned with forcing people to take vaccines that could possibly harm them than what they are doing now with this coronavirus. I do think that now they are a little overconcerned, we now have ways to treat the people.

I knew right away that the response to this disease was going to be way worse than the disease. That was over a month ago I was mentioning that. There is something weird going on with this fear mongering, they are covering something up, I think what they are covering up is that the people who run the countries of this world are stupid.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

People are getting locked up in other nations. This is being used politically to disappear dissidents and opponents.

It could even be starting in the pro socialist / totalitarian cities in the US like San Francisco.

We are like days away from total meltdown and if they don't hit the brakes ASAP on this crackdown. It's getting wayyyy too extreme.

Politics thrives on crisis to push it's new policy and assert it's eminence and dominion.

The theory that "one person ruins it for everyone" is a perfect excuse for tyranny to grow one tiny increment at a time.

Then you end up with what? Humanity today? Widespread panic and fear by MSM design, Govts all over going insane with wild measures to control the spread of a cold (impossible lol).

You and I are getting this virus. We likely already have it.

They went way overboard to stop the unstoppable, which isn't even that bad. It's a cold. It's not airborne HIV or Ebola... We're gonna be fine so long as NO ONE PANICS.

Oh wait. We passed the threshold to Oblivion, people have been panicking...

That's why we must put the brakes on and chill. All Govts, everyone.

Forced vaccines for the cold soon? The theory isn't even legitimate the colds mutate way too much.

No. None of this works. That's not how to fight pandemic. We need to improve our living conditions and sanitation and food quality. They are doing this all wrong. Inducing any further panic should be damn near illegal and I'd like to see charges brought up on the MSM head honchos in the UN courts for causing a riot and negligence when they as newscasters to billions have the responsibility to not disrupt the public safety by scaremongering.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: Lazarus Short
The title is ambiguous - is it a live briefing...or is it a briefing by the live members, the rest being dead?

Best post of all the coronoavirus threads, and it only got 2 stars? C'mon guys.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: rickymouse

People are getting locked up in other nations. This is being used politically to disappear dissidents and opponents.

It could even be starting in the pro socialist / totalitarian cities in the US like San Francisco.

We are like days away from total meltdown and if they don't hit the brakes ASAP on this crackdown. It's getting wayyyy too extreme.

Politics thrives on crisis to push it's new policy and assert it's eminence and dominion.

The theory that "one person ruins it for everyone" is a perfect excuse for tyranny to grow one tiny increment at a time.

Then you end up with what? Humanity today? Widespread panic and fear by MSM design, Govts all over going insane with wild measures to control the spread of a cold (impossible lol).

You and I are getting this virus. We likely already have it.

They went way overboard to stop the unstoppable, which isn't even that bad. It's a cold. It's not airborne HIV or Ebola... We're gonna be fine so long as NO ONE PANICS.

Oh wait. We passed the threshold to Oblivion, people have been panicking...

That's why we must put the brakes on and chill. All Govts, everyone.

Forced vaccines for the cold soon? The theory isn't even legitimate the colds mutate way too much.

No. None of this works. That's not how to fight pandemic. We need to improve our living conditions and sanitation and food quality. They are doing this all wrong. Inducing any further panic should be damn near illegal and I'd like to see charges brought up on the MSM head honchos in the UN courts for causing a riot and negligence when they as newscasters to billions have the responsibility to not disrupt the public safety by scaremongering.

Southern California does not want to be part of the USA unless they can run the country. The people running that area would do stuff like force their people to be locked in their homes if they ran this country, it is our job to make sure people like that do not ruin it for the rest of us.

I will probably get this virus, my body should quickly kill it off, maybe some mucous for a few days. I am not taking any meds that would block my body from identifying it, and try not to eat much of the food chemistry that interferes with my immune response. It is only a matter of time. I believe if we get over this without having too much damage, we might have lifetime immunity. I will probably not get the vaccine if I had this , I wouldn't want to trigger a bad histamine event. I have had some bad reactions to vaccines in the past, and I rarely get viral infections. I used to get bronchitis when I was on beta blockers, but that is actually a side effect of taking them....I did not like those because they made me mess up a lot, I did not trust myself driving after taking them for a couple of months each time I tried them, and I also could not organize the jobs or workers work properly. I took the most important thing, my ability to make a living and supply an income for my workers in consideration...I quit them. I was prescribed them four different times over the years, same problem every time.

I would rather alter my diet than take long term meds, I no longer have the tachychardia major attacks, I altered my diet to control the epilepsy and the problem mostly disappeared, no more pulse of two hundred anymore when I walk for a while..

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