posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 11:45 AM
Why is everyone so worked up about coronavirus? It is NOT EVEN POSSIBLE to be sick from coronavirus. Coronavirus is a simple virus, simple practices
like the WHM increase the release of epinephrine, which leads to increased production of anti-inflammatory agents in the body. Pretty much anyone who
has been practising for more than a week has conscious control of their immune system and show zero symptom when they have viruses like corona. Most
of us have been practising the Wim Hof method for years, meaning we no longer experience symptoms of colds and flu, E-coli, or coronavirus for that
matter. Most people I know haven't been sick for years. These fake news feature some weird outcasts that still live in the 19th century like the
People not practising the Wim Hof method (which is essentially just a breathing method plus meditation) and getting sick from viruses is
like people dying from bacterial infections because they are oblivious of the fact that antibiotics exist.
This is unexcusable in the age of the internet, when every single human in Europe and North America has access to the entire collective human
knowledgebase in their back pocket. Somebody please tell them to LEARN something useful, not just read about each other's breakfast on facebook. They
could start with or some science journal like or ncbi.
I am beginning to think that the coronavirus is God's way of separating those that are already meditating and controlling their immune system from
those that are ignorant, skivers who like to go on sickness holidays or attention-seekers who just like to play "poor me".
Anyone that's normal
would do anything not to be sick. Yes or no? And it's simpler than washing your hands with soap. For breathing is all you need is air, and for
meditation all you need is a brain. Should I ask which one sick people are missing?