posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 07:54 PM
The US Navy may pull the plug on the Ford class carriers after 4. They may be eyeing smaller carriers like the Queen Elizabeth class. The USS Ford has
had a troubled development and has ballooned in cost to almost 15 billion (US) and still has issues with the EMALS, weapons elevators and cannot use
the F-35C at this time. A team is lloking at what the force will look like in 2030 and will have a report in 6 months. A nuclear powered QEII with
full CATOBAR would be a good idea IMHO but again ...............
The bottom line is that the US Navy's procurement process is a #$%^ Show and has been for some time. The USMC has not helped either
Docks and port facilities: no upkeep and are crumbling
LCS: Unmitigated disaster
Zumwalt: only 3, and they keep bolting on non stealthy elements
Ford: See above
Not going to upgrade Flight 1 Burkes
Columbia Class: 15 billion and counting for what is basically an uprated larger Virginia class
F-35B: Sigh
The ongoing Gator navy: I love the USMC but stop building ships that at best were for a mission that ended with the Korean war
The Osprey: USMC had to have it.
The King Stallion: 130 million dollar for now .......chopper that the USMC has to have
No replacement in sight for the Tico's
The only thing that seems to be working is the Virginia class SSN's and the Flight III Burkes.
edit on 3/7/20 by FredT because: (no reason given)