The FDA has received more than 10,000 consumer complaints on Nutra-Sweet. That's 80% of all complaints about food additives, yet they have done
nothing to alert the American consumer. (Ref 1)
Could it be that Michael Dell, the Jewish owner of Nutra Sweet and Equal is a close friend of George Bush. Or could it be that Dell has outright
control of the White House, with his massive financial support for the Christian Zionist George Bush.
Dell once told me, "own anything addictive and legal." Nutrasweet is in about 9,000 foods and on every restaurant table for the same reasons tobacco
is everywhere: Greed, addiction and profit. What he did not tell me was that people would suffer cancer, brain seizures, Alzheimers, multiple
sclerosis, diabetes, epilepsy, mental retardation, fibromyalgia, lymphoma, Graves disease, birth defects, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinsons and ...
death! From the use of his products. (Ref 2)
Michael Dell in India, his use of 3rd world and prison labor, has cost many honest white American's their jobs.
The artificial sweetener aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, NatraTaste, Canderel) is without question the most toxic and health-destroying "food" sold to
consumers. And is owned by Dell & Ajinomoto of Japan. (Ref 3)
Dell’s use of taxpayer-subsidized prison labor, and his disregard for the environment, with his computer Ewaste. (Electronics are the fastest
growing component of municipal garbage, and contain toxics like brominated fire retardants, lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals.) Should
give people an insight into what kind of demented capitalist he really is. (Ref 4) .
[edit on 10-3-2005 by opentrail]
[edit on 10-3-2005 by opentrail]
[edit on 15-3-2005 by astrocreep]