posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 08:51 AM
Fairly obvious what happened last run. He could not pull in black voters and was unable to take one southern state. This is due to black voters
already experiencing the effects for decades of forms of socialism. Cheap housing, food programs, tuition programs and affirmative action. It got them
nowhere and for the most part, things got progressively worse in every city for them. The type of socialism Bernie projects as success is not designed
for the US.
His success examples are nordic countries, or countries with a more homogeneous group of people who exist with common values, goals and beliefs. Look
at the US. People are not even called Americans first. They always put something before American. Black American, Muslim American, Hispanic Americans.
It's a horrible moniker format that never allows the country to have a common core. The US is not really a melting pot. The ingredients don't really
mix. The only thing that holds it together is the juice of capitalism. If one is good at something, has a certain skill that is valued they will
absolutely get paid and be respected in society. Bernie's nirvana has no use for it. He's wants to make the contents of the pot melt down like bone
broth which will not work in the US.