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The Word From Korea

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posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: MissSmartypants

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Deplorable

They'll get orders pushed back, nothing new or crazy about that. Happens all the time.

Also, I don't think the US Military is anywhere near prepared for a bio-weapon-strength epidemic. Interesting times these ... pretty soon we'll all know.

That's a bit hyperbolic, it's a flu. It most strongly effects the very old and very young and those with poor health and compromised immune systems. None of which are descriptors for the demographics making up the US military.

And we learned these lessons in 2009 with the pig flu. We had whole ships quarantined.

Not a big deal.

It's not "a flu". "Flu" is short for influenza..... caused by the influenza virus. There are many kinds of viruses but only one causes the flu....influenza virus.

Polio, rabies, covid-19, and hepatitis are all caused by viruses but none of those viruses also cause the flu.

Please post that as often as possible, everywhere. I've tired of explaining it, but if we twist the old adage, perhaps, "A truth repeated often enough will eventually be comprehended by 10-20% of the population."

Another thing with the people talking about it being "just a flu", and the "regular flu" being much worse, is that most "flu deaths" aren't tested and confirmed as being caused by influenza. The patients presented "flu-like symptoms." Sone of those could be Covid-19. Many of them most assuredly are caused by pathogens other than influenza.

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