posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 09:46 PM
Fire is, as stated, something that is non-living, but exhibits life-like properties (hence why we say it dies).
However, fire is simply the reaction of chemicals. Put a spark to a pool of gas, and it will light on fire. chemicals in the gas break down because
the energy is sufficient enough to force that change. The energy released by this reaction keeps the flame burning (keeps reactions continuing).
However, fire will not evolve. Fire will not attempt to reproduce (even though it could be said to reproduce by accident - all life must reproduce by
its own will). Fire will not fight for its own survival (even though it will appear to try to fight its demise, this is simply a product of the
environment around it).
Fire is the conversion of energy. That is how it mimicks life. Life's basis is that it takes energy from one thing, and makes it into an energy that
it can use. Fire does the same thing. It is the chemical change that life is based on - but this does not mean fire is alive.
Fire does not move with intelligence. Fire moves and spreads because the environment gives it the chance to spread. This does not make it
My pants today tore open. They tore open, of course, when I bent far down while looking for a holiday gift. They could almost be said to have torn
with an intelligence in mind - but the pants are not intelligent. A tear will expand given the circumstances, like fire. But pants are not
It's humanity trying to instil the concept of life into something that does not have it that makes fire appear to be alive, but this is because fire
acts so much like life.