posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to:
The pot will not help with anxiety, I used to self medicate and pot was a huge problem when I was younger, as others have said alcohol is a
depressant. However if your mind is in a more stable place, mental addiction isn't an issue and you understand how it affects you then cannabis can be
a useful thing.
For me the biggest help was learning to feel content, I definitely wasn't content in my youth... I've never been diagnosed as bi polar and I don't
exhibit any signs but I do know that when I was younger and always buzzed up on various things a real good time would be followed by a nasty crash.
Learn to be content, don't take things to extremes and learn to say no.
Get a hobby, learn some skills find something that keeps you busy and takes planning and care but not too much effort or stress. Gardening was
mentioned, it's great for passing time.
As for tablets they can help, it'll most likely take time but it will help. If you go that route remember to keep yourself stable and safe whilst
remembering keeping active and looking after yourself.
If you have any questions fire away, I've dealt with the black dog since a youth so I have a bit experience and it seems others here do too,
perspective and experience is always worth listening to
All the best, break that rusty cage