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for all those who want to break into area-51...

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posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:57 AM

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:45 AM
Exactly having seen those shows where people who try to get remotely close to that area, are pretty much hunted down by the military and told to get the hell out of Dodge, even though they are techincally not on Area 51 land or government land, I am curious as hell as to what goes on there, elsewise why is it so heavily guarded ?reply to post by duffster

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:48 AM
Pfft and what...find nothing...Area 51 holds about as much secrets as an open rather sneak into somehwere else thats really secret i couldnt find...this post is going nowhere...

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 09:01 PM
ok what you need to do to get into area 51 is get some bullet proof glass and put it around your truck. and u need to have someone to shoot everyone he sees. and walla your into area 51!

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 04:43 AM
Isn't area 51 abandoned??

I think it would be kinda stupid for the government to still use area 51 since everybody knows about it allready... If I where 'them' I would pack up my stuff and find myself a new secret base.
It has become more of a tourist attraction then anything else I think.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by NightWish

Not much of a tourist atraction if you ask me!

placed in handcuffs and body chains.

The above quote taken from one of many news articles available from your friendly google search engine.

Perhaps when the OP gets out of jail he could try Dugway Proving Ground?

The Utah Launch Complex--which we believe will be the new Area 51--is an even more desolate and forbidding stretch of real estate than Groom Dry Lake Bed. Located south of Utah Route 70 and east of the Green River, it is like the Groom Dry Lake Bed--beneath unlimited-ceiling restricted airspace designated as R-6413. A satellite reconnaissance expert who examined images of the site told PM, "If you wanted to hide something [from satellite imagery], this would be the perfect place to do it."

Link to Desert Morning News article

Although the article is over 3 years old there has probably not been another move since.

Area 51 now alows 27 different nations to fly spy satelites over groom lake, but not The ULC.

Even then maybe this is just a diversionary tactic, as the common belief is that the real secrets are underground.

Regards S_G

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by they see ALL
this is a little something for all you people that want to break into area 51:

1st: your an idiot...

2nd: why not just follow a worker, after they get of that plane, at the base to their home and abduct them and torture them until they break???

now, if you are willing to give up your life trying to break into area 51 in a "revolution" why not just try my idea???

it is not that hard...

the only problem is that even the workers in area 51 do not know that much of what is going on in other parts of the base that they are not working at...

i have a room in my house with an elite group of special forces commandos

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by Lethil

Perhaps that is the point? make people believe there is nothing there because everyone knows the base is there.

Make it look like every thing has been moved by dropping several hints or observations, some people then soak it up, and talk about it, word spreads, others soak it up, soon the story of it being abandoned spreads like wild fire, some people then just accept it has been moved, but all along it hasn't they just carry on as normal, hiding everything in plain sight.

Meanwhile all talk of area 51 is laughed at because everyone knows there is nothing there, because one person said so, after being fed false information, no investigation, just accepted.

Now show me one single piece of evidence just one scrap that proves or indicates for sure it has been moved? now look for evidence that the base is still active, which evidence is more prominent?

Now I for one think the UFO evidence has always been somewhere else, I believe all reverse engineered tech is then shipped to Area 51 and tested, the tech they have or recovered remains all safe and locked up.

It cold be in the white house basement for all anyone knows, I believe only a very select few actually knows where this stuff is kept, even the people working on it, don't know all the facts.

So IMO the recovered whatever , has never been at Area 51, Area 51 is just a test site, testing whatever is shipped to them and developed, that way if there is ever a serious breach, or some congressman, or senator decides they want to see where the budget is going, and demand a tour, they see nothing but military earth developed advanced testing.

Sometimes I get the feeling that when those directly involved read what we talk or write about here, they are falling about laughing, one day it will all come out, it has too, nothing lasts forever, nothing, even their own security and wonderful family lives will fall one day.

A little more off topic, I wonder if these people ever have nightmares, dreaming about the day, the general public discover their deceit and they realise, they are in deep doo doo, with nowhere to run or hide, terrified they are going to be force fed their own garbage, I tell you that would be a day I would be glues to TV to watch justice, sorry Moral public justice prevail.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 06:08 AM
One more thing, you cant call someone an idiot for wanting to do something which looks impossible, have you never dreamt of doing something way out of reach ? I would love to go to the Moon, or even Mars, I would even do it on a one way ticket, doesn't make me an idiot, just makes me a dreamer, wanting to fulfil a fantasy.

I wonder how many people turned to Neil Armstrong when he said he wanted to go to the moon? and thought he was an idiot? he must have said it to get the job in the first place, same with every other Astronaut, Fighter Pilot, Tank driver, Submarine commander, all jobs often thought out of reach, esp when your 8.

In fact to point out the obvious, every single one of the people who do these things were once just 8 yrs old, Point is there is nothing wrong or idiotic in wanting to live your dream, anyone can be anything they want to be, jst have to decide your going to do it at an early enough age, so you can plot your path to your goal, thats all it takes.

[edit on 14/1/2009 by azzllin]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
this is a little something for all you people that want to break into area 51:

1st: your an idiot...

2nd: why not just follow a worker, after they get of that plane, at the base to their home and abduct them and torture them until they break???

now, if you are willing to give up your life trying to break into area 51 in a "revolution" why not just try my idea???

it is not that hard...

the only problem is that even the workers in area 51 do not know that much of what is going on in other parts of the base that they are not working at...

Typical unoriginal ATS Area51 forum post. You have 2 types:

1) How to break into Area51

2) You're an idiot if you want to break into Area51

The exception in this thread being that the OP in this thread is calling ATSr's idiots and somehow condoning the use of kidnapping and torture without even a hint of irony.

If thats not enough, the OP (they see all) appears to be an ATS writer. The credibility of this website and its caretakers has plummeted in an increasingly unsettling way. When ATS staff members are condoning kidnap and torture of govt. employees, this fact simply cant be ignored.

[edit on 15-1-2009 by NightVision]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 09:57 PM
Who says "you" per say has to break in. With the technology that we have today it wouldnt be very hard to get some sort of UAV over the base flying very low below radar levels and having a very low radar cross section. This would be a very small UAV. Have this UAV land or drop a small reconnaissance vehicle with camera attachments. All this information would be sent back wirelessly to a computer which would send it to 2 or 3 more computers so that your location would not be completely disclosed. The controlling of the UAV and recon vehicle would be accomplished the same way. The recon vehicle will be as small as possible to evade detection. The recon vehicle can then be driven where you want. All this will be accomplished under darkness to keep detection levels at the lowest levels possible. Flight of the UAV will be with night vision cameras. The hardest part of the whole thing will be getting the recon vehicle off or out of the UAV and onto the facility in the closest possible location to avoid having to travel a great distance to get to a good hiding place. The UAV can then be flown to any location and scrapped. You do not have to recover the craft just make sure the craft is far enough away from the base that it will not be detected or seen therefore alerting the security force that an intrusion has been accomplished.

So who thinks this idea would work ???

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
this is a little something for all you people that want to break into area 51:

1st: your an idiot...

2nd: why not just follow a worker, after they get of that plane, at the base to their home and abduct them and torture them until they break???

now, if you are willing to give up your life trying to break into area 51 in a "revolution" why not just try my idea???

it is not that hard...

the only problem is that even the workers in area 51 do not know that much of what is going on in other parts of the base that they are not working at...

Sound advice indeed. Trying to break in probably isn't such a good idea.

Have you got any suggestions for someone who might wish to, say, break OUT?


[edit on 17-1-2009 by lernmore]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by lernmore

I have a suggestion. Find a friend with rank above you and have them assign you to a project that requires you leave the base temporarily. When your bus arrives, take a trip to the restroom and never come back.

Now of course, if you are a prisoner at A51, you're pretty much jacked for life.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:24 AM
First of all dude you cant torture these people. These people are trained not to break. Area 51 is surrounded by suvs and people with guns. Trust me. I am in the FBI

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:51 AM
With regards to Area 51's closure, I noticed on the Dreamlandresort site, a picture of the third gate 'Station 700' and a comment by an undisclosed source (yes I know...) that in 2008 up to 200 trucks a day were entering via that gate with building materials.

Based on the changes observable from Tikaboo Peak there is still a great deal of activity going on there.

Link is below;
Go into News & Events
Latest Updates
Station 700


[edit on 18-2-2009 by The Wave]

[edit on 18-2-2009 by The Wave]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
First of all dude you cant torture these people. These people are trained not to break. Area 51 is surrounded by suvs and people with guns. Trust me. I am in the FBI

Bwahahaha. Where do I start with this? Hmmm....Do I ask you for credentials or let you dig your own hole to discredibility land?

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 07:34 PM
It's amazing how hard people think it is to break into Area 51. It's as simple as this, get a mini r/c copter, easy to build, the smaller the better, OR a tiny, r/c car, and of course it will have a built in cam. All you gotta do now is, control. If you're really serious about doing something like this send me a message we will talk. The key to the r/c car is the use of reflection/light and good range, if your someone who has money, look into getting a mini r/c solar powered car, install a built-in cam, and your all set. All you have to do from there is control and push up, and the record switch to on. It's really That Simple!

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by Red Shield

Good luck finding a set of crystals that won't get you hunted down and thrown onto your face faster than you can say "terrorist".

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 08:04 PM
One thing I wonder with all the crazy people in the world.
Is why there isn't someone claiming they broke in and went to jail etc?
You telling me not one person has even tried?
And lived to tell the tale?
I mean I would think 1 nutty person would have at least jumped on a dirt bike and gone across country.
And sure they would go to jail/psych ward.
But surely they would get out eventually right?
What about even public records of prosecutions for people breaking in?
Seems weird to me.
Like they must summarily execute people or something.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:42 AM
For all the posters here threatening us about posting threads about getting into Area51, I just want you to know that I already broke in and saw the secret stuff. Feel free to call the feds on me anytime you like.

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