a reply to:
yeah I taught myself many years ago. Have had maybe a thousand. Here's the methods I use. I recommend trying everything you can because some
methods work better for different people.
Discovery Update: EEG-monitored Psi Study at Monroe, Part I—Participant Brain-Wave Analyses
How Too:
”Direct your eye right inward, and you'll find / A thousand regions in your mind / Yet undiscovered. Travel them, and be / Expert in

Henry David Thoreau
yes its very real. I had lucid dreams for years and was pretty familiar with how to navigate the conscious realm before I learned to astral project.
I'm not sure that has anything to do with it but it seems to help a lot of people. If you haven't a lucid dream before, or even if you have, I would
try to practice lucid dreaming while practicing astral projection.
To start astral projection it helps a lot to prepare your body and mind first. Try to eat healthy, don't smoke weed, and if you do give it a couple
hours at night before you practice. Mediate on your feet standing up during the day. Try to become hyper aware of your body and feel the energy that
flows through it. Drink distilled water to decalcify your pineal gland. Take supplements and vitamins to boost your brain power. All of this is not
necessary but it definitely helps, especially the mediation part.
Now when you start to lie down to astral project lye on your back and get as comfortable as you can. It helps to be on your back with your head
straight because it balances the left and right hemispheres of your brain. Use a relaxation technique to relax your body as much as possible. This is
maybe the most important part of astral projecting.
Relaxation technique
What works best for me is starting with my feet, I'll imagine breathing in energy while tensing all the muscles in my feet. Take a deep breath and
when you exhale relax your feet and imagine the old energy flowing out of your body while at the same time relaxing your feet as much as possible.
Then move to your calves. Flex them on the inhale while imagining breathing in energy, relax them as much as you can on the exhale. Imagine them
sinking and melting into your bed if you can. Then move onto you thigh muscles. Do the same thing, Do this with all your muscles tensing and flexing
all the way up your stomach, chest, neck, face, head, shoulders, arms, hands, back and butt.
When you go through every muscles in your body you should be feeling more relaxed. Do this same exact process one more time.
After the second round of tensing and flexing your muscles while breathing in and out colorful energy, you will be feeling very relaxed. Keep
breathing in colorful energy on each in breath. On each out breath feel yourself melting into the bed. Stay focused on don't let your mind wander.
Don't focus too much though, you have to let your brain relax and feel the energy flowing through your body and head. Keep you breathing at
comfortable pace.
Now imagine your arms are ghost arms. Imagine them coming out of your sleeping arms and activating your chakras. Start at your crown chakra and
imagine your ghost arms gently going into your head and massaging the chakra while energy pours in and out on each inhale and exhale.
You might feel a tingle in your forehead or magnetic swirling or nothing at all. If you do feel something acknowledge it, and move onto the third eye
chakra. Do the same thing. Imagine and feel to the best of your ability ghost arms stimulating your chakra. Acknowledge the magnet feeling or tingle
you get and move on the the throat. Do this all the way down to your root chakra.
Some people will argue that it's not important to imagine all this energy work, which might be true for some people, but in my situation and many
others, the energy work is real and it helps a lot. I think this is because you have to charge or balance your body, soul, and mind in order to access
these levels of consciousness. This is also why drinking pure water and eating as healthy as possible helps.
Now that you got here you can go a couple different directions. After the relaxation and chakra stimulation continue to relax as much as possible.
Technique 1
Now imagine you are lying at the top of a huge well. On each in breath clear your mind. On each out breath imagine you are falling down the well. See
the hole at the top getting smaller. Forget about your body. Breath in and hold the visualization of the light at the top of the well. Breath out and
relax and feel your consciousness fall more.
At first you probably won't actually feel your consciousness falling or be able to see the light at the top of the well. That doesn't matter. What we
are trying to do here is initiate the falling sensation you have in dreams before you drift off to sleep sometimes and jolt awake. Do not jolt awake
though. Let it keep slipping. There are no barriers, you will literally feel your mind start falling for as long as you let it. Get comfortable with
this feeling, you might start spinning or flipping out of control in what is referred to as "the void" to many people. The Monroe institute calls this
area focus10. I call it the 3d blackness. It is the jump off point to experiencing different realities. You can keep spinning around in this 3
dimensional blackness or you can stable out your mind.
From here I usually try to stop spinning out of control and stand on the ground (still in 3d blackness) From here I float away from my body and then
try to open my astral eyes. It is a weird concept but it seems if you are still too close to your body and you try to open your astral eyes you
actually open your physical eyes and snap back to physical reality.
From this 3d blackness you can also look around for wisps of lights or tiny dots of light. Keep staring at them and try to move closer to them. These
random lights usually turn into full sceneries you can engulf yourself in. Your subconscious will naturally create a body you are used to being in,
complete with clothes you wear in real life and all. (most of the time)
The Trance
In my experience there are a couple things that can happen after the relaxation and chakra stimulation techniques. At some point you might start to
feel an electromagnetic energy build up around your hand or foot or some random area on your body. If this happens try to expand that feeling from
where ever it starts around your whole body. It will feel like a heavy electromagnetic bubble surrounding your body. This is basically a stable trance
you are in. From here you should be able to roll out of you body sit up out of your body, Or start with your hands and feel your arms moving around
outside your body and try to mentally move your soul away from your physical body. When this situation happens you end up in your room looking at your
sleeping body.
The Vibrations
A third thing that happens after the relaxation and chakra technique is one of the most interesting and intense. You will feel your body start to sway
slowly back and forth accompanied by a ring in your ears. You might have hypnogogic images as well. When you feel the swaying understand that this is
your soul loosening up from your body. Relax into it and allow it to engulf your entire body.