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Japan's first transmission of the CoronaVirus

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posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 06:24 PM
Just in. A tour bus driver taking Chinese tourist around town now has the virus.
Here's the article. What's really bad is this: We have subways and these Chinese are all in groups traveling on the subway lines.

Japan reports first domestic transmission of coronavirus

Jan 28, 2020

Tokyo’s mission to evacuate its nationals from Wuhan, the Chinese city at the center of a coronavirus outbreak, got underway Tuesday, as Japan reported its first case not linked to recent travel to China.

One of three new cases reported in Japan on Tuesday is a male bus driver in his 60s who lives in Nara Prefecture. The man did not travel to Wuhan but drove buses with tour groups from the city twice this month, officials said. The man is the first Japanese confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus while this is also the first human-to-human transmission confirmed in Japan.

The other two patients, a man and woman in their 40s, are from Wuhan and their conditions are not serious, according to the health ministry. Japan has now reported a total of seven cases.

Meanwhile, a chartered flight departed Tokyo later Tuesday for Wuhan, the Chinese city at the epicenter of the deadly outbreak.

Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi told reporters Tuesday that the plane would deliver masks and protective suits to Wuhan before carrying back some 200 people to Tokyo on Wednesday morning. About 650 Japanese have expressed a desire to return to Japan, and the government is making arrangements to send additional chartered flights to Wuhan, Motegi said.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 06:31 PM
If you look at this virus from its base (the cold causing corona virus )it appears this "harmless virus " appears to be weaponized to infect deeper areas of the system (the lungs),,,,, my take on this outbreak is that it could be an attempt at world population control made to look like a natural cause! I'm getting my bob & yacht ready to go now!

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Hope it gets contained. Right before the Olympics this summer too. Much like Brazil had an outbreak of the Zika Virus right before the Rio Olympics in 2016.

You stay safe MIM

As well as everyone else.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 06:54 PM
We have a suspected case in Lawrence, Kansas now. An hour away from me.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 07:23 PM
The main concern is the subways. Millions of people use them daily here in Japan. And we have school children and lots of retired people using them also.
Yes, I'd be loading up on a yacht and heading down toward Okinawa. Thing is Japan is an island and much of the population lives now in large cities. And many hospitals here are really not that modern either.
So now we know it is air borne, a few days ago, people in the bio said it was possible, now we know for sure. Proper mask and eye wear is a must I believe.
Embassies in China are calling back their employees so for one thing is for sure, many people are truly unaware of the millions of Chinese that are still on the road because of the holiday period. And they DO travel internationally.

Stock up on can foods and really have cash in your hand. Panic, well all it would take is someone with much power and come out with the truth and seriously all hell will break out in the cities here. We do have 2.4 million non Japanese living here plus over 24 million visitors coming to Japan. Really, people it doesn't look good at all.

You hear/read about the doom and gloom, well, for the first time in my life a city of 50 million people quarantined and now many other cities too. And that is in China.

NHK English news is usually not hiding the BS .

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Human to human transmission has now been confirmed in a handful of locations including Japan & Germany.

The number of confirmed infected in China has tripled in the past few days. Asymptomatic transmission is also being reported by reputable sources, but CDC will not confirm (yet). 5 million travelers left Wuhan before the quarantine and we're seeing the number of different countries and cases grow at an accelerating rate.

It is a disaster but only a small number of victims or casualties have been confirmed. This is way too early to guess how it may turn out but with the incubation period, huge travel out of Wuhan recently, asymptomatic transmission and now secondary exposure outside of the epicenter things are not looking good!

China would not quarantine over 53 million people if only 131 people died from this thing so far and 6,000 infected. This is way beyond what we're being told and we should monitor this situation very closely.

I have "suspected cases" surrounding me in multiple different states, a few possible cases are within a 90-minute drive from me and a confirmed case is within 350 miles of me. Also a C-suite exec from my company was just in Taiwan for a week and is back in Boston now...

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: FamCore I feel for coworker and I were discussing this, and she drops that her grown son, who was working in an area in China (she didn't say where) was told to return to the states. He arrived last Saturday and has been living with her since. Now a situation I felt was a half a world away ends up perhaps in my cubicle. Washing and disinfecting multiple times a day.
To be fair, can we expect everyone that has come here from China is a carrier? My coworker seemed a bit oblivious to the implications.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: Zrtst
a reply to: FamCore I feel for coworker and I were discussing this, and she drops that her grown son, who was working in an area in China (she didn't say where) was told to return to the states. He arrived last Saturday and has been living with her since. Now a situation I felt was a half a world away ends up perhaps in my cubicle. Washing and disinfecting multiple times a day.
To be fair, can we expect everyone that has come here from China is a carrier? My coworker seemed a bit oblivious to the implications.

This is what should concern most of us. And also realize many Chinese come to the States and work in the restaurants illegally for a short period of time and then go back to China.

although many people are not talking about the subways yet... but it will just take one person with the know how this virus works to educate us about mass transportation.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 11:23 PM
Just in:

Officials in Tokyo are taking special protective measures. People can now be hospitalized without their consent. Anyone suspected of carrying the virus at ports of entry will be told to undergo medical tests.

posted on Jan, 29 2020 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: Bigburgh
a reply to: musicismagic

Hope it gets contained. Right before the Olympics this summer too. Much like Brazil had an outbreak of the Zika Virus right before the Rio Olympics in 2016.

You stay safe MIM

As well as everyone else.

good job there football season ended in december!

posted on Jan, 29 2020 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Just in:

Officials in Tokyo are taking special protective measures. People can now be hospitalized without their consent. Anyone suspected of carrying the virus at ports of entry will be told to undergo medical tests.

This is scary. Treatment without consent is worrisome. This just adds to the idea that this virus is far more serious than we're being told.

posted on Jan, 29 2020 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: maxrockerfella
If you look at this virus from its base (the cold causing corona virus )it appears this "harmless virus " appears to be weaponized to infect deeper areas of the system (the lungs),,,,, my take on this outbreak is that it could be an attempt at world population control made to look like a natural cause! I'm getting my bob & yacht ready to go now!

Well, it isn't a very good attempt then is it...!!

Since the mortality rate is far too low to make it an effective means of lowering the planets population.

Maybe it was designed instead, to sort out the planets health care systems by getting rid of those already sick and frail.

posted on Jan, 29 2020 @ 10:22 PM
Has there been a positive case of a Caucasian being infected ?

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