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Coronovirus being deliberately spread

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posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 10:54 AM

Coming direct from Rebecca who is locked down in Wuhan. she says people are deliberaely trying to spread the virus by spitting on people and in lifts! If true, this is pretty terrible situation for those in Wuhan. And if true, lets hope others elsewhere don't start doing the same thing as this could get out of hand. Already over 4,500 cases and over 100 dead according to reports but could be more by the time I've finished typing this thread.

Some of Rebecca's story below but well worth reading the Metro story in full.

Teacher stuck in Wuhan fears people are infecting others deliberately Read more: Twitter: | Facebook:

Jessika Bailing, 23, has only left her flat twice in the last two weeks and says the city around her is ‘completely shut down’, with all means of transportation closed. She told ‘We are all so scared to go outside, I avoided it for as long as I could. ‘The first time I went out was for a dentist appointment, but when I arrived the entire building was shut down. ‘The second time I went to do a supplies run, it was so terrifying. I covered myself from head-to-toe with gloves on my hands, glasses to cover my eyes and of course, my mask. Read more: Twitter: | Facebook:

Before I didn’t feel any fear and now I would say the virus is definitely my biggest fear. It controls my every move these days, as it does many others. ‘I’ve heard shocking stories about infected people going out of their way to contaminate others by taking off their masks and spitting in doctors’ faces. Read more: Twitter: | Facebook:

‘I saw one video of a man spitting on all of the buttons in an apartment elevator.’ Read more: Twitter: | Facebook:

edit on 28-1-2020 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 11:10 AM
I'm not sure why this would be deliberately spread in Wuhan but, has anyone thought maybe this could be being deliberately spread to quell the protests in Hong Kong?

By limiting travel and putting fear into people to keep them from venturing out and gathering in groups?

Or, more likely, it's just live animals being slaughtered in a market and a lack of cleanliness.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Admitted

I would not put it past them. If it spreads to HK they'll lock the city down and any protestors still protesting will more than likely be killed under the excuse of 'Oh, those moving objects were infected'.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 12:36 PM
So let me see if I have this right. This has not even killed as many people as slip and falls and the whole world is terrified of it? Get a hobby.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 01:12 PM
It doesn't need to be deliberate, people are often that dumb, especially people who have lots of education in one field, they only see what they know. People are ignorant too, they feel that they can take the risk and never will be effected, only when most people get old do they see how stupid they were when they were younger. But some of the old never learn, wisdom is not something you automatically gain when you become a senior citizen.

Then you do get old enough to be able to see the truth and properly assess the risk so the doctors give you something so you can't think well enough to evaluate things yourself, creating a dependence on the health care industry. Then you try to inform your kids to be aware of things, they think we are old and don't listen to us old foggies, they believe in the FAD health care that is being toted as the only way and put trust in Doctors who see them for fifteen minutes in an appointment who are more interested in keeping their business afloat than helping people. They treat symptoms, symptoms are shared by many diseases while the treatments to cure the diseases are way different. Fifteen minutes is not nearly enough to evaluate a patient. It is not usually the doctors fault, it is the circumstances of the overpriced faulty health care system we have in place in this country. Remember, doctors have great expenses, they need patients and lots of patients to be able to pay the bills.

posted on Jan, 28 2020 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders
So let me see if I have this right. This has not even killed as many people as slip and falls and the whole world is terrified of it? Get a hobby.

You won this one Flanders. So far the mortality rate is barely 2% from the numbers i have seen. More people will likely die from tuberculosis than wuhan corona virus this year.
edit on 28-1-2020 by drewlander because: (no reason given)

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