I have had friends and acquaintances here in Australia have their guns 'temporarily' seized by police. Also returned later.
Good thing too as the only reason those people had their guns seized was because they weren't mentally well at the time. Unstable you might say.
Not in the mindeset you'd want a person to have a firearm on them.
Them having their guns confiscated for a brief period probably more than likely prevented a few people from being dead now, through either suicide or
murder knowing the situations they were in that caused them to be unstable to begin with.
As a former firearm owner I am glad we tightened our laws here.
I myself years after giving up guns, went through a period where I have to wonder where I would be now if I had access to a gun at the time.
Chances are I wouldn't be here and neither would a couple of others as hard as that is too admit. Thankfully we shall never know.
Had I owned firearms at the time I would of been glad if someone came and said "hey we're going to look after these for you until you get your head on
But government agencies cannot win. When they do nothing despite warning signs, they're the condemned for not doing more when they could. When they do
do something, they're still condemned because 'mah feelz'....er.... I mean 'mah rights'.....
Seriously what do people want? How about instead of just complaining about and condemning government for doing what YOU pay them to do.
How about instead you try something different for once and put forward solutions to the issue that works for everybody, not just a few.
If you feel it's your spat from a vagina given right to own guns, then how do you make ownership of them safer?
If you feel it's a matter of 'mental' illness.... because clearly everyone who shoots someone is crazy, then what can be done about that?
Just stop leaving everything up to government then complaining about the results.
This is a topic of discussion that comes up daily in the U.S. and every time it's the same merry go round of tail chasing and same opinions and
arguments and the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Maybe instead of quoting the same old 'mah amendments' 'mah constitution' things written for a different world and way of life way back in 1787, how
about rewriting the constitution for 2020 and the humans of today and the way your country is now compared to over 200 years ago.
Try applying that same logic to other things from the 1700's today.
"Well in 1787 we owned slaves, it was my god given right, so I should own slaves now"
You don't own slaves because laws can, do and often should change with the times. Maybe guns shouldn't be any different hey?
Hell half the people who use the 'this and that amendment' for justifying gun ownership don't even use guns for the purposes those rights were
Seriously how many of you have used your guns to form a militia to necessary to the security of a free State?
How many of you own a gun for that purpose?
Not many if any I reckon, and hell you'd go to prison no doubt if you tried.
Maybe it's time to amend the second amendment to say "Rights to own guns to shoot home invaders and to wave at random people who cut you off in
But no. All people see in the 2nd amendment is "IT SAYS I CAN OWN TEH GUNZ!" while ignoring the WHY you can own a gun. And that's how they like it.
Easier to say "2nd mendy said I could" than having to explain for yourself why you need an entire arsenal in your basement I guess......
Oh well maybe you do need the guns. Never know when Hillary and Trump will team up and throw you all into concentration camps or the British might
come take ownership back hey?
Oh well here's hoping regardless you fix the 'mental health' issues that are clearly the REAL problem some time soon.
That should be easier than making gun ownership a privilege to be earned than a sky fairy given right I reckon.
edit on 27-1-2020 by
AtomicKangaroo because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-1-2020 by AtomicKangaroo because: typos if any more in there I don't