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Why are people ignornant of other religions?

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posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 10:47 AM
According to some peoples behaviour in my school and other groups i have learnt that sometimes you have to be of a certain religionto be "socially accectaple" Northern Ireland is a great example because Catholics cant socialise with Protestants without getting attacked and vice versa.But why is this? It is not because of history it is because of ignorance. Christians as a whole claim that they respect different religous beliefs but my cocmclusion to this statement is no because of the Salem witch burning where innocent people were killed because of their religion. One of the 10 commandments states that man is not allowed to kill another man but then it states "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (this part of the bible has since been removed during the years) which is breaking the commandment of being forbidden to kill another human in words a witch is a member of the pagan community but in a different sector. Amazingly this still happens. I know tis because one of my friends was found out to be a pagan 4 years ago and he is still being taunted for this.

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 10:51 AM
Because many people of other religion feel that theirs is the absolute and only way and if your not of the same persuasion....your not really with god....since they think theirs is the only true way, they will not look into other's faith and some even contend that other faiths are evil
Of course what they believe is only opinion and belief....but I think this is why, at least to some degree.

EDIT...and you better believe it still happens! I had someone here on this board call me evil of Satan becasue I am a Witch.....and I have had worse IRL...

[edit on 3/9/2005 by LadyV]

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 10:54 AM
I agree with LadyV on this one...

I was raised Pentacostal... yeah a real "Holy Roller"

For a long time, that's all I beleived in... it was our way or no way.. now this was me as a child, teenager... of course as I've gotten older and experienced more of the world... I see it differently now.

to me bottom line is, beleive in whatever it is that you choose, you'll either be right or wrong...

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 11:25 AM
What surprises me more is how many people are ignorant of their OWN religion. I live in the heart of the Bible belt and I have heard people quote things that you would not believe, and when ask to show me the quote in the Bible was looked at like an idiot and basically told that they had never read it.

If people dont know anything about their OWN religion what makes you think they would know anything about anothers?


You mean witches DONT worship Satan and eat babies??????

Just Kidding

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 11:43 AM
I think in many cases it is because it is difficult to become familiar with something you have little or no contact with.

Lets say you live in a small town where just about everyone is Christian.
How much incentive and/or opportunity is there to become truely familiar with something that you have no contact with. Some people, depending on where you live, may never meet someone of another faith, they may have alot of other things on thier plate and may not have the time to devote to studying about something that may be of absolutely no use to them.
Its the same reason I don't study swahili or some other language that chances are I will never have a need for.

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 11:50 AM
I think the prime example of people ignorant of other religions is here at ATS, where the forums seem to hatch a new chock-full-of-errors thread daily about the Mormons or the Christians or the Muslims or the Masons or whatever.

But I disagree that the real reason is ignorance, although Ghod knows there're a bunch of ignorami here. I think that very often the case is that people have a need to put down other religions or philosophies in an (vain, I believe) attempt to make their own beliefs have more meaning or simply to feel better about themselves.

And I think that everyone on this forum, including yours truly, falls into this trap every now and then.

[edit on 9-3-2005 by Off_The_Street]

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 12:14 PM
It is called religious Illiteracy, and religious fundamentalist groups rather prefer to keep the masses uneducated not only on the historical facts of their own religion but on any other other religious believes in the world.

Most people that are religious followers will only listen to what their religious leaders tells them and only what their leaders interpretation of biblical text.

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 12:32 PM
In most colleges you have to take Humanities, and if you never were exposed to other religions before, you certainly will be then.

What surprises me more is how many people are ignorant of their OWN religion. I live in the heart of the Bible belt and I have heard people quote things that you would not believe, and when ask to show me the quote in the Bible was looked at like an idiot and basically told that they had never read it.

If people dont know anything about their OWN religion what makes you think they would know anything about anothers?

Isn't that the truth?

But I disagree that the real reason is ignorance, although Ghod knows there're a bunch of ignorami here. I think that very often the case is that people have a need to put down other religions or philosophies in an (vain, I believe) attempt to make their own beliefs have more meaning or simply to feel better about themselves.

We can see this very thing happening now between Christians and Muslims, and even on this board...*sigh* All because of not taking the time to learn of the other viewpoint...

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 12:39 PM
Most ignorance of religion comes from objective study of it. The preferred method to understanding a belief system is to fully succumb to it and develop a personal relationship with your Savior Neo-Jesus. I have such a relationship, speak for Him, and will be most happy to educate the ignorant accordingly. But only in the appropriate forums where the wisdom of Neo-Jesus applies as absolute... those including Conspiracies in Religion, Faith, Spirituality & Theology, General Ideological Topics, the War on Terrorism, Other Current Events, Secret Societies, New World Order, Education & Media, Science & Technology, Fragile Earth, Space Exploration, Ancient & Lost Civilizations, Cryptozoology & Mythical Beasts (all true), Medical Issues & Conspiracies, Paranormal Studies (sin, sin, sin), Predictions & Prophecies, all 18 forums of Political Discussion in Politics @ AboveTopSecret, your bedroom, your child's school, every facet of your life, your government, your laws and anything else Neo-Jesus thinks of later.

Note from RANT (not the inspired words of Neo-Jesus): This inexplicable transformation occured quite by chance on my 6066th post. Neo-Jesus scares me. Help.

[edit on 9-3-2005 by RANT]

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 01:15 PM
Perhaps if (yes, I am dreaming I know) the followers of every doctorine did in fact subscribe, and attempt to emulate/immitate the founders of that religion we could play well together.

For example; look at all the murders done in the name of Christ - a man who stood for peace, and asked that we love each other as he loves us...

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 06:06 PM
Why do some people just hate jews so much??

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 06:14 PM
I don't think that people really hate Jews, unless is the Islamic nations.

I think that the problem is the bible itself, some forget that the bible is the historical records of the Jewish ancestry, that was tamper with to make room for the Christian movement.

The fact that the Jews are favor in the bible is because the bible belong to the Jews.

The Christan movement was no able to take the fact away form their new testament version of the bible.

The same way that they were not able to erase the fact that Jesus itself was Jewish.

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 06:24 PM
Religion is like the 5 blind men feeling the Elephant and then describing it to the other 4.

Each religion has its own perspective, and its own interpretation. Most of the worlds religions share core beliefs. Jesus is almost buddist in some passages, buddism is almost Christian in some respects, Islam and Judism share the same god of Abraham. Its those details isnt it.....

Its when people would see you burn in hell if you dont believe as they do that i have issues. And thats about when i post aggresively.

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 06:27 PM
Most people are born into a religious tradition and are raised in a church to believe in one way and that its the only way. Very few actually take the time to learn to think outside the book. They were raised that way and will be ostracized by their family and friends if they don't stay that way.

Religion is a form of brainwashing that begins at birth. Few people ever escape it.

When it comes to religion and spirituality they believe as they are told to believe and do as they are told to do and hopefully, they will miss out on the terrible things that will happen to the people that DON'T do whatever it is the preachers are saying.

Few people have the inclination to actually find the truth, or at the very least seek it out.

It's not their fault really, its the fault of those that brainwashed them.

This is just MHO though.

Love and light,


posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 06:27 PM
Why are people Ignorant of Other Religions

I think basically because everyone is told that their religion is the only
true one, thats my guess.

Personally I'm ignorant of all religions, I don't mind studying a little
on the roots of christianity and things like that, but religion in itself
just holds no interest for me at all.

[edit on 9-3-2005 by madhatter]

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 11:03 PM
i think, on the whole, western nations (America and western Europe) give a really bad name to Christians. I grew up in Japan as a child of christian missionaries, and now that im in america for college really get mad at the christians i meet. going to church on sunday and thats it. they discrimanate against others, its true what you all say, they dont know anything about their own religion, let alone others. i'm thankful my education included many classes on all major world religions, beliefs and history.

i look at christians in america (at least where i've been) and i wonder what happened to Jesus message of love and peace. so sad. please dont take ignorate christians as the true intent of what a follower of Christ should be.

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 11:18 PM
This topic is perfect....
People are jsut not ignorant of other religions, but they dont even want to become in contact with any other religions aswell. This comes from a few factors, like family tradition and forcing beliefs in a young mind.
By the way i love the analogy about the elephant, that is exactly what religion is. To any person who has abosolutely no doubts in their beleifs could you please look into other the kabbala for examply as it only explains the way to understand the talmud (first testament). So in away if you read the kabbala your just becoming a better christian.

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 12:58 AM
I have found the inherent problem with ignorance of other religions, simply lies in the separatist teachings of the word through the fallibilities of man. Man is his own worst enemy, until man can be removed from the equation and God becomes the only concern
No one shall be able to understand another’s beliefs. That was once possible, commonality that is, in Babylon however the Babylon had a flaw in God’s eyes it was established with good intentions of peace knowledge and comradary, but the wrong God was being served. We are meant to join as one people just not in the absence of God, once we realize this then we can truly over come our limitations on this earth.

[edit on 10/3/2005 by drbryankkruta]

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 01:31 AM
people keep themselves ignorant of others religions because they are afraid that everything they know and believe may be proven wrong if they look into or associate with other religions...

Example- My mum is Islamic, and i am very interested in all religions and their teachings... one day i invited some Mormons in to chat theology with them. My mum got home and went off her dial. They of course left quite embarrassed... My mum kept saying that i couldnt be exposed to their lies etc etc... so i figured it was fear that i would stray. I told her i like learning other religions and if i dont know whats on offer how can i know Islam is true... she said that i must have faith and not question, and not look at these lies the others offer...

Well then i decided i wouldnt be islamic anymore and i basically realise all the religions are false and true at the same time.

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 01:45 AM
true. everyone should be open to exame all the faiths, and find the true one. one cant fear knowlege, or truth. i know all to many people of many different religions that react just as your mother specialasian. its a shame.

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