posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 10:56 AM
i couldnt wait to see the show either... and i did... dissapointed me
... i mean i thought they were going to present facts ... they kind
of lost me after the comet crash, it was still very interesting the possibilities they presented.
I always thoought "Dargons" could have been spaceships shape like that, and that the "fire spiitng" would be thier guns....? to me that would
explain how the "dragons" were knowen in so many cultures?.....there are many mythical animals, but the Dragin seems to be the most known...for
example the griff, the chimera, the minotaurus,...they are only know to soem cultures, but the Dragon is almost world whide....
[edit on 21-3-2005 by BaastetNoir]