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Why can't Trump...?

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posted on Jan, 18 2020 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: Agit8dChop

To begin with perhaps he shoild stop hiring swamp creatures to go after other swamp creatures. It hasnt been working, shocker

There are so many of them, it's startling. Billions of our tax dollars flow into trusts owned by top politicians and bureaucrats. There are also many politicians subject to being blackmailed by both Domestic and International authorities.

After listening to former Congressman Trey Gowdy recently, he appears to fall into the latter category. Also just revealed is the existence of compromising photos of Congressman Adam Schiff.

How long do you think it will be before confirmation from the multiple witnesses is firmly published of Shiff-face's purported murder of his underage male sex victim at the Standard Hotel?

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 02:29 AM

originally posted by: JoseGarcia

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: JoseGarcia

originally posted by: chr0naut

Why do you keep using the word "unprecedented"? There is precedent for a President to have opposition. It goes with the job.

You are simply repeating nonsense verbatim, and using the same words.

Every President has had opposition- every one!

Uhhhh . . . it is mystifying, to this psychologist, that you seem to have a virtually total incapacity to distinguish between

say a 5lb level of opposition as President with many days, even weeks, if not months of relatively no significant flack


what Trump has to face 24/7/365 with say a 25 TONS level of flack by the 96% Marxist globalist controlled media spewing brazen lies daily if not hourly.

Oh, does an insult have mass now? Or are you just making up a value to suit your opinion?

But surely, haven't you noticed the daily multiple anti-liberal/Democrat/leftist (or whatever label you wish to apply) threads on ATS, especially in the mud pit? Look at the numbers of pro-Trump OP's compared to those in opposition to Trump and then come back and tell me how Trump is so picked on.

Ditto for the pro Trump media such as Breitbart and Faux News, etc. They must produce hundreds of derogatory pages against the Democrats - per day.


I'm 73 years old. I've watched keenly how ALL the Presidents from Ike on have fared in the public square.

You are 1,000% off the wall brazenly WRONG to equate the hostility Trump has faced virtually from the time he decided to run until now--with anything remotely in the same galactic cluster as what the other Presidents have had to face--even as a total for the whole lot of them together.

There is absolutely no RATIONAL comparison.

That you keep insisting there is equality in the degrees of flack says tons about your perceptiveness, your awareness, your logic, reasoning, values, and probably your capacity to understand.

Maybe I just need to realize you are a Marxist globalist agent/shill & forget about it.


This very site proves you wrong.

The Mud Pit

Thanks for proving that there is no rationality, reasoning, accurate perceptiveness, objectivity etc. to your observations & conclusions whatsoever.

You are evidently a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist globalist agent/shill regardless of your costume or window-dressing.

No, I have voted center right the last few times. I am strongly centrist.

No need to waste a lot more time with your off the wall assertions so totally askew from objective reality.

Believe what you will. You can obviously not change your mind. Classic Affect Heuristic.

You are denying that Presidents other than Trump have not received opposition as fast and hard as it could be delivered to them.

You therefore must belie the propaganda that Trump's life is nothing but a constant stream of opposition. How could that be true? Least of all for Trump who surrounds himself with 'his' people and spends lots of time in leisure activities like parties and golf. He clearly sits in an 'ivory tower' and has a fantastically wonderful life compared to the average American.

All his whinges are just whinging.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: Agit8dChop

To begin with perhaps he shoild stop hiring swamp creatures to go after other swamp creatures. It hasnt been working, shocker

There are so many of them, it's startling. Billions of our tax dollars flow into trusts owned by top politicians and bureaucrats. There are also many politicians subject to being blackmailed by both Domestic and International authorities.

After listening to former Congressman Trey Gowdy recently, he appears to fall into the latter category. Also just revealed is the existence of compromising photos of Congressman Adam Schiff.

Agreed that's why i have a hard time thinking trump isn't compromised . If he wasn't then he should be hiring outside non politicians and non bureaucrat types versus recycling swamp creatures like he has which has yet to work in delivering any justice

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 09:56 PM
It’s EVERY day, EVERY fake news-report, EVERY channel, EVERY social media site, EVERY story, EVERY move he makes and EVERY word he says

The fake opposition to this presidency is absolutely undeniably unprecedented

To say otherwise is to lie. Like a leftist.

The funny part is. NONE of it matters one iota. He has the majority support. He has the ever-important ‘popular vote’. He has already won the election this November.

And it’s KILLING the hateful, intolerant leftists.

A great year ahead, a great second term ahead. The best is yet to come I believe.

I’m looking forward to left-wing violence after the impeachment failure and again after the election. Showing their true fascist colors.

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