posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 10:46 PM
I am of the opinion that stating it would cause damage to national security says a lot more than most would assume. Specifically if the response was
along the lines of a denial like in the past, we could make some assumptions.
The source of this FOIA request is also important to take into account. The Source is Christian Lambright, an author, and a member of the To The
Stars Academy. I am not outright saying that the To The Stars Academy is propaganda and disinformation, but since their announcements 2 or so years
back I have been leaning very much in that direction.
Using that information, my assumptions are as follows. It is planned introduction of information to the public about black projects through
non-government sources, to give it credibility to some, and deniability from the government itself. By stating the information is a national security
risk, it is a hint to other governments that they are craft made in black programs while still keeping it "secret". A tip of the hat, a wink of the
eye type of dissemination of information without actually releasing relevant information.
The other possibility is that they are in fact non-earthly craft. If this were the case, many countries would jump at the opportunity provided to
funds to projects openly for their own defense means. As an external threat is great for unification.
From these two general options, we can apply occams razor. We do not see other countries approaching this and using it as a reason to bring to light
and fund their own black programs as "new" gray programs. However we do now have evidence of The President of the US stating something seemingly off
the cuff about already having hypsersonic weapons (this occurred in Trump's Iran speech). This leads me towards it as disclosure without full
disclosure of black projects that the US has had available for a while. The reason for this soft disclosure is due to two other countries stating
openly that they are now developing these hypersonic weapons, specifically China and Russia. This makes it a clear message to them that the US
already has these weapons operational, without openly stating such from official government sources.