I'm thinking the most captivating text is Revelation. The "figuring it out" process is on the way.
At the same time I doubt it's possible for anybody to precisely describe the future. Including the godlike alien/s.
There was that push at one time, that if you'd understand enough, it would click and the future will be visible. The next grail, philosopher's stone,
whatever. The treasure of knowledge.
Which brings me back to Asimov: it would all be a possibility and the further in the future you want to calculate uncertainty increases.
So how likely is it some guy 96CE was spot on, especially since he couldn't have grasped the things we do and how it all looks,
if he had seen
I'm thinking some sort of olympics as test for where we all stand is the most likely. Takeshi's Castle is sending the four grunts to stress us, see
how we'd really act if the shtf.
The jar is just for tough cookies, the others get eaten.
And that's again biology. There's no endless growth, populations collapse, ask the rabbits. Survival of the bestests adaptist.
And little bunnies thrive until the Island is full and bamm collapse again.
The only thing that makes sense is to write manuals and formulary and collect every DNA we can get our hands on. Wait for after the storm, prepare a
meaningful starter kit for the little ones and their children, because if "sin" is a universal crime we're all #ed. Every adult would be up for grabs
for "demons", just the children would make sense, right?
Even if the rapture is code for mass abductions, with spaceflight for some time, children would make the most sense.
They would adapt better and quicker to the new beings feeding them and pampering them and educating them in their interest.
I'd say older than 12 and you're screwed, like us.
But what's up with the beast and what did he mean with horns? Who knows...
My whole point is nobody can predict everything even if you can analyse down to the smallest scale. Because the only story that is going on is
billions of autobiographies which stay chaotic.
But god sees and hears everything, so I assume besides the overwhelming amount of intellectual spam he has to sift through he would always and
everywhere first hand updates. Godlike alien/s watch you poop.
Because that will be how your worth will be weighed, in your mind.
That's why "it" puts us through stressful experiences, even if you look at it as act of evolution at some point the gardener needs to take out the
I believe we are not the crown of the universe. Not the top dog in our hood even.
But I also believe the objective is obvious: can you survive? And stay a tough cookie?
So yes personally I am one of those who thinks the majority of mankind has to die. Not because I want it but because it's logical.
Humans 2.0 are our destiny. That's something we can't fight. That's the end of us.
But I can see that if travelling back in time would be possible the objective would be to find the best and brightest as foundation. (
All of that of course if we assume there's no such thing as chance, just possibilities with determination.
Which seems like an important discussion to be had too.
I said it I believe it's true, life develops towards freedom. It's not accidents.
edit on 11-1-2020 by Peeple because: title