posted on Dec, 18 2019 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to:
What we need is "Peace Officers", not Law "Enforcement". There's a difference. SD's comments are very refreshing because they are a real picture of
what goes on. There is both good and bad. The good comes from officers who have the firm belief of being a 'peace officer', and the bad comes from
the juiced up kids who got picked on, bent on being an 'enforcement' officer. Again, there is a big difference, and any true peace officer will tell
you this.
The problem now is, the job is a thankless and relentless job responding low IQ perps who think they are entitled to rights they are not, so it
attracts more head-thumper types than peace officers. Too many rules, leads to getting busted upside the head with a D-cell maglite and hooked up.
So much easier that way.
I work with officers nearly every day, and I see both types. Some smile and talk, others don't and just look at everyone with contempt. I can
usually cut through most of the bravado, but not always, some are really hardcore.