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Since Feeding the Homeless Is Illegal, Activists Carry AR-15s to Give Out Food, Supplies

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posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 12:58 AM
From what I've heard, one of the main problems with being homeless is not having a permanent address. Without an address it becomes impossible to receive mail, have a bank account, participate in the legal system (except maybe as a victim), get enrolled in assistance programs, etc.

Now a friend of mine, he's not necessarily what you call homeless, he's more of a transient. He's living in public parks in a camper trailer up north here. He is on disability, has a bank account, and gets his mail through an address with his nearly 100 year old mother down in town. Otherwise a post office box isn't enough, a lot number at a campground isn't going to do it either, you need a home address where you supposedly live.

With my buddy's mother being of such advanced age, he will have to make other arrangements when she passes, perhaps with his brother near here or with his daughter in California. Not exactly legit if you have to lie about living at the campgrounds or out in the desert while one of your family has to lie as well. There are ways I'm sure, to have a permanent address where you don't actually live, maybe a lawyer can do that legally or someone could be your trustee and handle all your affairs for you regardless where you land at night.

As far as food goes, there are community food pantries, church pantries, soup kitchens and others that are above board on there services. Perhaps the laws could be loosened up on these type of establishments to encourage growth. Maybe businesses could get a tax incentive, like restaurants for having a back door soup kitchen or grocery stores for a produce stand for homeless people.

I'm sure there are workable and humane solutions if BS laws like this weren't purposefully interfering with the people's good intentions to help the homeless.
edit on 11-12-2019 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
I get the frustration, but do you consider food safety at all?
Someone with bad intentions could rat poison hundreds of people.
Tainted foods, etc...
Should the homeless get the same protections the general public gets?
Should the sanitary conditions be watched like refrigeration of meats, doneness of meats, etc..
We've all seen the dining horror stories and those are coming from establishments that are monitored.
The gun slit is stupid and good for nobody.
Is their motivation reducing dependency, or increasing safety? Idk
The other equitable option would be to remove the hoops required by restaurants when serving public.
Are these requirements more or less harsh than those imposed on restaurants?
It seems like the homeless are getting to be a big enough number that they could organize an actual food production setup for them.
Be gifted some gov land and grow crops, raise some cattle and process all in one place. Give jobs to some of the homeless to run it.idk

The homeless eat from dumpsters. ........

Food protections do not apply. Just about anything you give them would be safer.

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 01:10 PM
I have been homeless. It's a full-time job just to survive in some places. I never went to a shelter except once and I left when I saw someone who could not stop coughing. I was concerned it might be TB. I stood in line at Caritas for a sandwich more than once and ate at soup kitchens when I could not find day labor. When I was on my feet I went back to areas I knew people were homeless and hungry because I had been there. I brought sandwiches, chips, and bottles of water. I had bags of crackers and cheese or peanut butter and a pack of matches and some paper towels and other items bagged up. It was not much and I could only do this once or twice a month but I knew it helped these folks. If I had to jump through hoops, pay a fee and such it would have discouraged me from doing this since I had work and other responsibilities. The group shown was in an area I used to go so I am familiar with it. East Dallas in those days was pretty tough. If carrying firearms makes it too political to bother people who want to help then so be it I say. If you listened to the video the guy says they have been doing this for the past 5 years. The cops just nod and wave at them so it seems like it is working.

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