posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 04:06 AM
I'm a long time lurker here on ATS and decided to join up because of your thread.
I read a ton of replies on this and decided it was time to say something.
First off rock bottom has many forms. Everyone is different. Full disclosure an alcoholic myself I've hit bottom many times over 25 years, and I'll
spare you the gory details of 2 rehab facilities, one divorce, and suicide attempts. I've had years of sobriety and pissed it away many times.
Alcoholism is real and not a will power choice (with the exception of the first drink) that you'll hear from people that don't understand.
There was a book written based on straight medical evidence called "under the influence". After 20 years of AA meetings and falling off the wagon this
book explained why I do what I do. AA does not work for me. As I do not believe in a higher power 12 step programs have no mental effect. 12 step
programs are just that a mental reconditioning.
Two weeks ago started a different approach to alcoholism. With the help of medical doctor's I've started a regimen of taking Baclofen. It's been used
for 30 years on removing the compulsion of drinking ( mainly in Europe). It has suppressed my desire to over drink. I went from a fifth a day to 5
drinks a day within 2 weeks. Granted 5 drinks a day is still not good but as I continue down this road my desire to drink is fading more and more.
Conspiracy part, yes you be taking pharmaceuticals. Rehabs and 12 step programs are straight money makers so they don't want you to be truly informed.
If you think your an alcoholic you probably are, alcohol effects your brain different than most people. It takes over your thought process and
requires alcohol to function (read that book it explains it). The moment you take a drink your chemistry changes from brain function to metabolism.
I wish you the best of luck because it sucks. Not to negate AA with my take it does have some benefits of hearing other peoples stories and
understanding your not the only one. I've fought this for so long that I'm trying something different.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Which is why I'm trying something different.
edit on 19-1-2020 by Trkysandwich because: (no reason given)