posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 12:00 PM
Hello, my name is Josh and I'm a Patriot for the world. I enlisted in the Armed Forces of the United States when I was 17, to protect the rights of
innocent civilians. I am willing to give my life for their freedom, no matter who they are or where in this world they come from. I moderate a web
site voluntarily and have a web site of my own. I'm an Aquarius, so perhaps I'm predisposed to be this way, god only knows...
I hope this will help others like me, to come out of the closet and stand tall.
To be proud of who they are and not be ashamed of that. I posted an introduction, just in case those of you who may be wondering why this thread
isn't in that forum, I clarified the fact just now.
I know many of you like me are on this board, and I know many of you on this board, know some one like me. Maybe not exactly, but you know some one
who might fit the same bill I do. We are crying out for the world to STAND TOGETHER, because we know what is worth fighting for, those things that are
right. We speak out against the wrongs because not to would be a crime against humanity, some thing we cherish, humanity you know.
I don't ask for comment or replies, I do hope many who can stay on topic and contribute to this thread will, other wise I would be typing this in
vain wouldn't I. Thank you all for reading this brief out spokeness in type of mine, your time is appreciated.
*Takes seat in chair and waits for others from the group to show up.*
[edit on 8-3-2005 by ADVISOR]