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Nova Scotia. The first to ban flavored Vape Jusice in Canada. Good or bad?

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posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 06:20 PM
So, it appears that Nova Scotia is the first province of Canada...again, to take something away from it's people all in the name of...wait for it...'The Children'. Nova Scotia has always been the spearhead province for taking pleasures and rights away from it's people, setting a standard for the rest of Canada, or so they think, while people leave in droves. Far be it from any Government to "use" children as an excuse to ban something that is new and inventive because they're not getting enough money from it.
Of course, we all opinions and even negative ones about Vaping from those who don't care for Vaping, or who simply don't Vape. But at the end of the day, it's a personal choice, so long as others respect those around them and stay within the confines of the delegated areas for smoking.

I personally think that they're doing it to help out the big Tobacco companies, because the Government made a killing in profits from Cigarettes and still do. Nova Scotia's taxes are a whopping 15% so a carton of Cigarettes are insanely expensive, and the Government of Canada wasn't making anywhere near this in Vape Juice.

Let's not forget to mention all the cancer patients from smoking, that they can charge indefinitely for their treatments instead of finding a cure, and healthcare in Canada is a big thing. It's cheaper than the states, but the quality of the overall healthcare system is pretty much a system of "you get what you pay for"'s not free despite what you've heard. There is a cost...just not nearly as much as the U.S., but you DO make up for it in taxes, trust me.

You can't tell me that they don't have a cure for cancer yet, as they have collected billions and billions generationally from tax payers and donations and have allegedly gotten nowhere. Even AIDS has a better cure potential than Cancer and we've all heard it before "why cure cancer, when you can continue to charge patients exorbitant amounts of money, knowing they will do so at their own financial detriment, to save their own lives...yet most will die anyway, leaving the debt to be paid by their families."

The Government of Canada wasn't making much in taxes from Vaping and that's one of the reasons they took it away from those who enjoyed it. Granted the new law doesn't go active until April 01, 2019. That said, the Government of Nova Scotia claims that flavored Vape Juice is a "gateway" for children to progress to smoking Cigarettes and to alleviate that concern they must ban flavored Vape Juice to keep children from getting it....but we all know children will still get Vape Juice, Weed, Alcohol and Cigarettes the same as they always have. This ban will stop nothing.

Now I'm no genius, I thought there were already laws in place (just like with Cigarettes and Alcohol) and you had to be of legal age and have ID to purchase them. So why not ban Cigarettes or the various flavored Alcohols which children get the exact same way as Vape Juice? Why only attack Vapers? I mean, they tried this before with prohibition and it didn't work, yet I find it suspicious that they aren't attacking Cigarette companies with the same vehement measure as they are with Vape Juice.

Remember, anything that gets banned is automatically fertile ground for Black Markets and just as easy to obtain, as well as being even more dangerous than the regulated versions that get banned.

Back to the excuse of Vapes being a "gateway" to Cigarettes and drugs...Didn't Canada just legalize Marijuana? Has that not always been referred to as the mother of 'gateway drugs' that could ultimately get children smoking Cigarettes and/or drinking alcohol as they frequent their parties?
I get it, some people will LOVE this new law because they may not be Smokers or Vapers (mostly it's those annoying, narcissistic jerks who stand on their soap boxes nagging people and trying to convince others of how great they are), but they have their vices too and would be equally outraged were their province to ban their vices, all in the name of children, in which we all know they don't give one damn about. The prove this every day.

So why ban the Vape Juice just because it has pretty flavor names or pictures, yet leave Alcohol, weed, porn and Cigarettes run the gambit? Adults buy that crap for children too...even more so. So there must be another reason.

I personally think that since Big Tobacco has had a monopoly for many, many generations and in Canada the Cigarettes are insanely expensive because of 15% tax in Nova Scotia, Big Tobacco and Justin Trudeau made a deal. Ban flavored vapes, which will force everyone who quite smoking to go back to it, as well as the children who are now hooked on nicotine from Vaping and will now have to find their fix in some other manner. This is the obvious progressive transition from banning Vapes.

Whether Vapes are dangerous or not, the opinions are an illusory 'yay' or 'nay', as not enough studies have been accurately done and not enough time has passed to see the long term effects of Vaping, but we ALL know the long term effects of Cigarettes (thousands of chemicals such as arsenic, formaldehyde, tar, Benzene, Cadmium, Chromium, Hydrogen Cyanide, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxide and Ammonia...this is a short list, look the chemicals up to see just how dangerous they truly are. Vape Juice has only has 3 ingredients...a thickening agent, flavoring and Nicotine, and although Vaping may be dangerous as anything would going into your lungs (with the exception of oxygen), it is nowhere near as dangerous as alcohol or cigarettes. Again, all of which children can still get, just as easily as Vape juice.

Let me tell you how this is going to play out. There will be a Black Market of stronger Vape Juices that many will probably have an even more addictive drug added to them to keep the customers coming back of course and they will be more expensive because of the lack of supply and the ban, many more citizens of Nova Scotia and Canada ultimately as a hole will be fined, and many more will be arrested after so many infractions of getting caught with flavored E-Juice. This will be more ridiculous to people than those who get caught int he U.S. for small amounts of weed. Most people will order from outside of the province or the country and this ban is only going to piss people off and make many more Canadian citizens criminals, where otherwise they would just be (and have always been) law abiding citizens.

How does everyone feel about this...Canada or not? Do you think that Nova Scotia has set an unrealistic precedence for the entire country? Has their current standing Government just committed political suicide? Do you think it was a good idea to ban Vape Juice, yet leave other well known toxins available to kill children? Do you believe that they are working with Big Tobacco to recollect all of their losses of those who quit smoking and turned to Vaping? I know I personally quit smoking in one day and transitioned to smoke flavored Vape Juice. Later, I started with some simple flavors like Vanilla, but there is very little flavor to Vape Juice anyway. It's just a tinge of flavor and not like a candy bar or a sucker. Really, you can barely taste the flavor, and you just smell it more.

What say you? Good idea? Bad Idea? Can anyone else come up with any other scenarios that this may benefit or be a negative for the country of Canada?
edit on 6-12-2019 by IlluminatiTechnician because: he felt like it.

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 06:29 PM
I bet we will find out that the flavors are what is toxic in vapes.
I've tried a few, they make me want to gag. It has a real chemical flavor to it that my lungs do not like.
The for the children crap sounds stupid though.

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

I personally tried vaping to wean myself away from cigarettes. I didn't like it. I also think that vaping products are definitely targeting young people. The effects of vaping aren't well known yet either.

It reminds me of banning things like the camel joe mascot or Marlboro bucks or camel cash. I can see the reason behind it, but personally I don't see how effective a ban would be. If people want tobacco, they'll find a way to get it.

I'm sure if you dig enough, you'll find the corporations and politicians behind it, like anything else.

I do miss the buy one get one deals on cigarettes though. Damn government. *shakes fist*
edit on 6-12-2019 by sine.nomine because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 06:31 PM
A dumb overreaction to something that isn't even the cause.


posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

Time to hand out the menthols......

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

Im in Ontario.
If you guys are getting the ban, we won’t be far behind.

I think It’s utterly stupid to ban ejuice.
For the same reason you mentioned, black market juices.
There already has been a few deaths linked to tainted Chinese made juices.
Granted, you could make your own juice fairly easy.
All the products are readily available.
But who has the time to do that?

The Indian reservation is just outside of town.

People buy what would cost $90 for a carton of smokes, on the Rez for $43.50 and sell them in town for $65-80.
Or they sell them by the pack for $10 (which is still $5-9 cheaper than in town store bought)

If juices get banned, There will be a huge uprise of garbage juices introduced.
People will die or at least get very, very sick.
It’s completely stupid.
Hell, I’d happily pay more for my ejuice right now, so I don’t have to resort to making my own or buying off the net.

ETA: come to think of it, the last few times I was in my local vape shop Fat Panda, they had a survey about flavours being banned and something about not being able to display the different brands.
I didn’t read it, but I’m willing to bet that it also had something to do with this.
edit on 6-12-2019 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

Although vaping is not for everyone and it does have a tendency to gag some, it's still a personal choice as any other. For all the vapers out there that have this gag reflex problem (can't believe what I was just thinking lol) anyway, put some Listerine in a small spray bottle (or you can buy the breath spray from the store, although way expensive) and spray it a couple of times in the back of your throat before will kill the urge to gag.
edit on 6-12-2019 by IlluminatiTechnician because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: sine.nomine

That may be true, but let's face it...what doesn't try to entice ignorant children these days in some shape or form? They're easy money for ANY business...even porn does it.
edit on 6-12-2019 by IlluminatiTechnician because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: Wardaddy454
A dumb overreaction to something that isn't even the cause.


Exactly, every business targets children no matter how big and evil they are. Look at Disney and the Catholic Church. They're not banning them are they? The cause for children obtaining anything illegally is the way their parents raised them, and they aren't banning parents. Well, at least not are being ripped away from their children like there's no tomorrow, but that's another topic I suppose.

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 07:11 PM
My guess is, stupid reactionaries on both sides will have a strong opinion about this "issue".

I say, if people want to willfully kill themselves, even in a disgusting cloud of awful, it is their own personal choice.

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: IlluminatiTechnician
a reply to: sine.nomine

That may be true, but let's face it...what doesn't try to entice ignorant children these days in some shape or form? They're easy money for ANY business...even porn does it.

Well, I agree with you there. The law is unevenly applied for sure. That doesn't necessarily mean we should stop people from doing it. I guess a strong family unit that has the power to instill good behavior is necessary, in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 08:19 PM
It takes away the users reason for doing it at all. They will just quit doing it...
edit on 6-12-2019 by CharlesT because: (no reason given)
It hits the manufacturers in the pocketbook. F. them.
edit on 6-12-2019 by CharlesT because: (no reason given)
I don't know a soul that does that crap. If I want nicotine I buy the real stuff.
edit on 6-12-2019 by CharlesT because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2019 by CharlesT because: (no reason given)

So many of Today's kids are just dumb. They don't even know how to dial a rotary phone. Takes 2, a half hour to figure it out.

edit on 6-12-2019 by CharlesT because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2019 by CharlesT because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: CharlesT
It takes away the users reason for doing it at all. They will just quit doing it... It hits the manufacturers in the pocketbook. F. them. I don't know a soul that does that crap. If I want nicotine I buy the real stuff.

1) it won't make them stop, it makes them want it more and they will find a way. Remember back when Tipper Gore told everyone that she was going to stop people from buying heavy metal music and then put stickers on every album that spoke of nudity or cursed? It only pointed out the records for the kids that they would want more. As a parent and having known others with children, you are giving kids WAY too much credit. They will find a way and ALWAYS have a reason. If not, they will make a reason.

2) It hits Small Manufacturers in the pocket. It's certainly not hitting the Tobacco Companies in the pocket. In fact, many of those adults that used Vaping to get away from insanely expensive and more dangerous Cigarettes, will now go back to them because they have far more in them that strengthens addiction. It doesn't hurt the Governments pocket, they will now get way more money because cigarettes are far more expensive than Vape Juice and as I Nova Scotia they will get 15% tax on every pack of cigarettes. Those people going back to Cigarettes ensure that the Government is about to double their profit.

3) The source in which you get nicotine is hardly relevant. You mentioned that you get your Nicotine a different way, yet you judge others for getting the exact same thing, in a different way. It Seems a bit hypocritical.

edit on 6-12-2019 by IlluminatiTechnician because: he felt like it.

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician
I'm not going to do battle here pard. I am loving life.

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: CharlesT
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician
I'm not going to do battle here pard. I am loving life.

I'm not trying to battle anyone. Just debating. I am glad that you are having a great life though. Hang on to that, it's rare.

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

I haven't read everything here on this thread, and I don't have an opinion on Nova Scotia. However, I have vaped before. I did so in an effort to quit smoking. I looked at it very objectively, and I had some issues. Nothing like what the media is parading around, but some issues none the less.

The first thing I noticed was my lungs cleared right away after not smoking cigarettes. I was amazed, and it only took about a day or so. Even my doctor was impressed. The second thing I noticed lung capacity was pretty compromised. I was out of breath all the time, but I could still fill my lungs more than I could when I was smoking. Then, I noticed that I started feeling like (not sure how to describe this) like my lungs were 'heavy', and I didn't like that. It was like I could breathe better, but I was getting less oxygen. So, I stopped (and I had a big set up too).

Almost immediately I felt better, like I was getting more air. Now, truth be known, I've tried this twice, and the first time I quit smoking for two years. Then (as happens), and I fell back into it (shame on me). So I tried some serious vaping the second time. My experience was much worse. I had heart issues (irregular heart beat) and congestion issues, and mental issues (foggy brain).

In conclusion, I don't have anything against vaping, but I do believe there are some things we don't understand about it. I didn't start vaping to "vape", I started to quit smoking...and it didn't work out very well for me.

I think with the legalization of marijuana in many states, and the surgence of CBD oil, the vaping issue has only gotten worse. I mean, just look at the timing!!!

Anyway, that's my .02

posted on Dec, 6 2019 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

Yet no bans on smoking which is known to be harmful, something smells with this decision.

posted on Dec, 7 2019 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

Seriously this is very stupid . We are adults and we know our consequences.

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