posted on Nov, 24 2019 @ 04:29 PM
I'm chatting with a friend of some 15+ years about this and that and the conversation turns to the "wyrd". They have been goin through some strange
happening that seem to have all arrived together in one block and it's been making them think about such things. In the course of this conversation
they quite blithely mention
"Oh well, my aunt, who wasn't given to flights of fancy at all, had a "silent aircraft" land next to their house , she was pregnant at the time,
used to tell the tale at most family gatherings until she died of cancer a few years back".
As one might imagine dear reader, I was a tad on the "WOT??? WOT????WOT????" side, when it came to my reply. "You've known me for 15 years and
you've just thought to mention this to me?"
Anyway, from what I've been able to extract, the following occurred. Some time in the 70s, my friend is in their early 30s, to them, "The 70s" had
dinosaurs wandering around the UK, in Surrey the UK a "silent aircraft" (Their relative's words) landed in the field next their house whilst they
were pregnant. Said "silent aircraft" also caused all the lights and electricity in their house to die and then the power was restored after said
"silent aircraft" shot straight up into the sky and vanished.
So, totally frustrating yes however, it does illustrate perfectly that. You never know what your friends have seen themselves or been told by their
relatives happened to them and if the opportunity arises , don't be a snarky twit, listen and take mental notes, then ask them to recollect as much
as they can of the details. Furthermore, if anyone has any other stories specifically from the Surrey area of the during the 1970s then please let me