a reply to:
Hell, that's all any of those "schools" did, they packaged up stuff we'd been using in the industry for 30 years and called it new like they invented
it, and sold it to people. The big difference was, we used all those tools when they made sense, not just because they were there. These "schools"
on the other hand have focused their entire existence on these tools, and only on these tools, at the expense of the end product. They're just
frigging "clerks", and that's what I call them; that, and "pimps" (much to the dismay of senior management, but I'm an old timer with more seniority
than most of the senior management even). These "PM's" just pick up a phone and call someone and ask "is it done yet?", and that's the extent of
their "Project Management" skills. They don't even know what "it" is they're building, but it doesn't matter; there's a form to be filled out, a box
to be checked and five other bureaucratic things their "system" requires. It's pathetic really.
I have a funny story about this too which illustrates my point exactly. I had one of these 'pimps' come in my office one time and ask me how to get a
piece of computer equipment across the airfield from Maintenance receiving. I told him..."
Well, you hop in a truck and you go get it! He says
it weighs 800 lbs, like this would somehow change my answer. Then he just stands there looking at me like...now what? I said it again, you just hop
in a truck and drive over there and get it! You'd have thought I was speaking Chinese to him, he was just completely clueless. This was a "senior"
guy too!! But it gets even better.
Because this particular piece of equipment was important to a larger program I was working on I decided to just go pick it up myself instead of trying
to instruct this idiot on how to wipe his butt. So I hopped in the truck, drove over to the motor pool and picked up a lift-gate truck, and went and
picked up the equipment. I brought it back across the airfield and had a couple electricians I knew help me unload it, took it up the freight
elevator and put it in the data center where it was to be installed. Now here's the good part...
I promptly went down and grabbed mister "PM" by the ear and told him we were going to the data center. First off, he doesn't even know which way to
go to even get there (and it's HIS frigging project!!), so I have to show him. Then, once in the data center, I start asking him how he's going to
get the equipment installed in the racks. He doesn't know. I start peppering him with some other questions about HIS job, and he doesn't know. So
finally he leans up against this pallet with a big shrink wrapped box, props his fat butt on it and says to me...."
Well, I dunno, I didn't think
this was part of my job. Where is this piece of equipment anyway? I guess I need to look at it." I let him sit there for a minute.
Then I said....
"You're sitting on it, dumbass!!!"
Un-Freaking-believable!!! Not to mention the fact this particular piece of gear was about $2.5m dollars, and he's got his butt parked on it! So, he
jumps off it like it was on fire and he's standing there looking at it in awe, wondering how it got there. I was so thoroughly disgusted I had to
leave before I started breaking stuff...starting with him!
That's what these so called "schools" teach!
edit on 11/26/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)