posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 11:42 PM
Michigan was once a tropical region....the evidence of suxh s clearly noted in our state rock..the petosky rock. This stone derived itself from coral
that formed quite some time ago and has since fossilized itself in a place where cold and freezing teperatures are prevalent through out the majority
of the year. I am not sure how pangea wa originally designed in coalition with the equator, but from the position we stand at in the present,
tektonic shifts or not, the only ogical conclusion for such a tropical envoirment would have to stem from an entire global shift, of which I believe
we are continuing. Weather patters dont change really as in relation to the equator as the suns position for the most part is constant, but i belive
that as the earth spins ona horizantal tilt the plates are shifting vertically.
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