originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: strongfp
Does labour come before capital or does capital come before labour?
Capital becomes before everything.
A business owner needs land,a building,pay for equipment, utilities, raw materials, and the list goes on.
Labor comes LAST. If at all in the era of ROBOTS. (That takes money too).
I doubt a business/es and society would get far or last many months if they ignored basic labour requirements like food, health, education and
ignored basic things like machines needed to be invented, breaking, needing repairing, updating, programming, optimization, contamination, fire, power
cuts and thousands of other known issues.
A healthy mix is needed with both financial understanding to generate enough profit to employ more ad avoid redundancies/closure/sacking all workers
but equally vital are the moral and ethical practices - the healthier, better educated, respected and incentivised a workforce the more productive and
prepared to adapt to market changes/volatility - it's win-win for both company and the labour force
Someone with brains and skills isn't going to work for a company that'll take advantage of them, give poor if any fundamental necessities like
healthcare, employment rights, training, COSHH awareness/safety gear and fire them the second they think their Capital is at risk -
All these topics falsely claim to have a scientific, logic based or mathematical which is nearly always caused by venture capitalists, hedge betting
and dodgy investments of capital by owners too thick to realise economic/business/futures/commodities speculation was all admitted to be a complete
and utter con by the same people who lobbied governments to adopt the policy and illegally wrote under pseudonyms in the press to make billions inside
trade in then buying up companies that'd been successfully running for a couple of centuries and firing 70% of staff while demolishing factories to
trick the books and make it appear was a justified and profitable one for the greater good - just so they could sell the concept to more countries,
companies and make obscene personal wealth.
Crazy and new age as it may sound a mate is one of the top surgeons in Japan/the world - all staff arw oaid to take walks in nature and the blossom
forrests as it massively increases health and production - while Transport for London introduced very basic breathing excercises for staff that cost
nothing but reduced absense due to sickness, stress ans injury by over 75%.
Thinks were far, far worse in the US - look up any US company with a name related to Rand or her books - Rand models worked on predictable 'rational'
swelf interested behaviour and declared the only two groups of people who act rationallty were economists and psychopaths - several million US
citizens died directly as a result of their unfounded hypothesis and policy of removing emergency services from the non-super rich - think it was
1000,000 were murdered in the LA Fires few decades ago because of this after RAND models said don't save/help black people/poorer neighborhoods and
remove public/emergency services from these areas o they hurry up and die so the town could claim it was richer.
A more succinct example is the entire world bank and IMF and World Bank failed to notice (opart from a few soles with remaining brain cells) or do
anything to stop the financial crash of 2008 despite all the warning signs as they'e a bunch of number worshipers and bean counters and number
worhiping and target chasing have taken over the Western public, political and business narratve over the last 45 years to create a fantasy narrative
of a stable, predictable world and the patently absurd notion that by worshiping numbers and chasing targets, human beings would somehow be free - or
at least it'd be easy to convince them they were three thinking once most non-conformists had been wiped out by design and those left over were too
naiive/bombarded with PR, austerity, bankers taking over politics so economic models should run society, with peoples freedom and jobs being reduced
and modelled on a computer system.
Politicians on the left and Right haven't lifted a finger to stop any of it and ran away leaving business and big banks to run suppesendly free and
democratic countries unquestionably as both left and right politician realised the world is a chaotic place with no sense or narrative but the
economic models claimed stability, predictability and that nothing would ever change. This phenomen started in te US and has grabbed disturiing pace -
both parties spent billions making databaseas on everything an opposition party member has ever said so if any US pokitican changes their mind or
tries to come up with a new policy - they're called a hypocrite and the idea/topic is abbandonned - It's been called the Static State theory fir a
decade or so where the country is powerless to change or advance as robotics/infomatics rule people and freedom of choice, human nature to change your
mind and develop ideas with more experience/thought - while the US public are ombarded with secret 'nudge units' that are gov departments whose ole
aim is to get the public to do what politicians.banks/economists want, while the member of public is kept unaware of the existance of such units or
exterior influence and falsely belives they're acting on their oen free will/have freedom of choice - the UK set up a copy of the US one in 2012 and
leads in some ways.
R - If you believe either are faultless, one trumps the other or either can be neglected/ignored to help the other - it's time to pick up some
books on the subject or at the least watch the confession videos (BBC and others, not some random conspiracy site) for a better understanding the
crimes against humanity both extremes have repeatedly been guilty of
edit on 9-11-2019 by bastion because: (no reason given)
Apologies if it sounds argumentative or anything, not a dig at you or anyone: My gripe is with the main people and groups behind it - their
psychopathic attitude and their PR statements are absolutely comedy gold if you have a dark sense of humour/can't help but laugh at adverts of bosses
openly celebrating war and genocide, with the sound of dropping bomb around, then proudly claiming the massacres of women children are of no concern
to themselves,s shareholders or others as business is countinuing as normal.
edit on 9-11-2019 by bastion because: (no reason given)