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Alex Jones calls out to the people: HELP!

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posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 03:16 PM
For those of you who are familiar with Alex Jones and his films and radio show there is a situation upon him that he is asking everyone out here who is willing to fight the New World Order to take up the following cause and make your voices heard.

During the time that he was preparing for the new release of his current film: Martial Law - 911 Rise of the Police State, he was approached by the Popular Mechanics magazine to do an interview involving the "debunking" of the lies surrounding 911. What ended up happening was that Popular Mechanics did a hit piece and turned everything he said about 911 into something that came off as sounding anything but credible. The interviewer for this piece was named Benjamin Chertoff.

A few nights ago Chertoff appeared on the Art Bell show (a known Freemason) and railed against Alex for 3 hours and dared Alex to come on the show and dispute what he was saying. Alex just having released his film was on vacation with his family and knew nothing about the show, so therefore could not appear. Popular Mechanics will now not respond to Alex.

Alex is asking everyone out here to please call Popular Mechanics and DEMAND that Chertoff appear on his show and re-state everything he said about Alex so Alex can in fact respond and do so for all his listeners. He would also ask that anyone who has a subscription to this magazine please call in and CANCEL it in boycott against the magazine and what it is doing to try and lie to the people and mislead them even further.

Here is the information:

Popular Mechanics

fax - 212-586-5562
phone - 212-649-2000
subscriptions - 800-333-4948 (boycott)

The reason that this is so very important to all of us is one reason and one reason alone. Not Alex, but we as a people. Benjamin Chertoff is the cousin to the NEW SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY and this is propaganda coming out of that office using this family member to carry it out. What happens to Alex will happen to the rest of us later if we don't make a noise about it and send a message that we are hip to what is going on.

If you read this information and have the ability to post it on the net for others to read and this is all you can do to help please do so. GET THIS INFORMATION OUT!!!

**I hope this is in the right forum....I tried to place it correctly.

[edit on 7-3-2005 by RexKramer]

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 03:22 PM
Good post for a newbie. Welcome aboard. I think Jones is a bit paranoid at times, but this guy ruffles alot of feathers. What does he want us to do?

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 03:25 PM
I had my names confused but edited the post to show the correction.

Basically Alex is trying to get through to Popular Mechanics to get Chertoff to come on his show and face him and discuss this out in the open. PM will not take Alex's calls so he is asking the people to contact them and DEMAND Chertoff appear.

He is also asking for a boycott against PM magazine because of what has happened.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by spliff4020
Good post for a newbie. Welcome aboard. I think Jones is a bit paranoid at times, but this guy ruffles alot of feathers. What does he want us to do?

He's a "newbie" with a registration date of 25-9-2004 ?

And you're not a "newbie", even though your registration date is 12-1-2005?

What seperates you and him from "newbiedom", exactly?


That you have more time to post on here? Post count?

I'm really curious, as you welcome him, which is nice, but you do so from a position of superiority, yet you would appear to be the newer member., yeah.


On topic:
So AJ got slammed and now wants to get the slammer on his show? Well I'm going to doubt that happens, but I"ll fire off an email for him.

Oh and yeah, this was a good post, for any member, not just a "newbie".


posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 10:21 AM
It's amazing how far the NWO's coverage goes. So, even an editor of popular mechanics is a cousin of the government.

By the way, I'm just curious, but why were you warned?

[edit on 8-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by spliff4020
Good post for a newbie.

How could you call him a newbie when he registered months before you?

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
It's amazing how far the NWO's coverage goes. So, even an editor of popular mechanics is a cousin of the government.

By the way, I'm just curious, but why were you warned?

[edit on 8-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

He got a warning for a duplicate thread violation. He basically made this thread twice.


The point being that you have no real right to assert yourself as a "non-noob". Furthermore that length of time shouldn't matter, only what the person has to say should mean anything.

Yes that's still true even if you've had another account with 1000+ posts. What happened to that "old account" banned? Would you even state if it was banned? Or you just forgot the name/password right? Either way, it doesn't matter. The point here is that "noobness" means nothing.

How do you know that this is his first account? Maybe he had an account with 401 posts? You can't prove that your "old account" exists, so that in and of itself is no reason for you to see yourself as an "elder".


[edit on 8-3-2005 by Xatnys]

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 12:42 PM
For the last time people....Ive been here before, just not under this name......Ok...And I dont go by time, I go by post, which Im at about 400 on this name, and had about the same on the other one. So about 800 posts.....Is that ok? Can I compliment someone...Christ.....He has made 5, having currently around 395 MORE posts than he does...I will call him newbie...

Simulacra, all you do is try to provoke me. Are you still crying because of your crackpot theory that the superbowl is all propaganda was blown out of the water? Are you mad because I didnt compliment your stupid posts? Are you mad because your mom didnt pay enough attention to you? What do you want from me? It was something like you that made me change identities once. Ill say it once more....LAY OFF !!! Mods...

So...DUHHHH posts count. The more you post, the better you get (except in Simulacra's case). If I got hired for a job last year, but didnt start untill last week, have I truely worked there for a year??? Think about it... Simulacra...Its people like you that caused us Americans to rebel...petty petty petty.. I want to place you on ignore, but then I cant shred your posts apart. So I will wait...

Now that, thats done....I will ask again...What does Jones want us to do? I like the guy. He's a tad hyper, but overall I think he's on the money..

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 12:56 PM
I at first decided to just edit my post above yours, but I'll post it here just for the fun of it.

The point being that you have no real right to assert yourself as a "non-noob". Furthermore that length of time shouldn't matter, only what the person has to say should mean anything.

Yes that's still true even if you've had another account with 1000+ posts. What happened to that "old account" banned? Would you even state if it was banned? Or you just forgot the name/password right? Either way, it doesn't matter. The point here is that "noobness" means nothing.

How do you know that this is his first account? Maybe he had an account with 401 posts? You can't prove that your "old account" exists, so that in and of itself is no reason for you to see yourself as an "elder".

Oh and I agree with your assertion of "DUHH, POSTS COUNT", what you fail to realize is that while "POSTS COUNT" post count, does not.

But have fun, sensationalize everything, and be sure to create faux controversy as well; to drive your numbers up! Because that's what ATS is all about, right? Post count and Points? *sigh*


On topic: Re-read his edited post, it's rather easy to understand what Alex is calling on his listenership to do.


Edit- And please don't try to make this into Simulacra trying to "Single you out" regardless of any of that, I have no motive against you, this is about slapping easy-use labels on people in an act of ego stroking.


[edit on 8-3-2005 by Xatnys]

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 01:03 PM
This seems a little odd to me, even for Alex Jones. Why would he rally the troops just because PopMech includes him in their 9/11 campaign? Clearly he's got a target on his chest. Does it shock him that he'd be interviewed and then misquoted?

Alex Jones has some great stuff in his videos, but he is a bit too quick to post articles from Rense and similar that haven't really been sussed out. I'd like it if he concentrated on a few ideas rather than leaping at every NWO blip on his radar.

I've read some funny and good stuff from both Sim and Spliff so that's my .02

Why do people come back to ATS with different names? Does this always mean they got banned? Do ATS accounts expire due to non-use?

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 01:46 PM
Yes, I am making this an issue arent I ? WTF? Who pursued it? I cant believe I'm defending a compliment. This is retarded. Funny how everyone has a problem with it EXCEPT THE ONE WHO WAS COMPLIMENTED. I think this guy has a mom allready. Im sure he appreciates your help though...

[edit on 8-3-2005 by spliff4020]

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 01:11 AM
It is common knowledge the term "debunking," most readily refers to UFOs, which is recognizable as a policy to sweep reality under the rug, to discredit by propaganda technique authentic witnesses, photographs and so forth.

Alex Jones does not talk about UFOs, because he says he "sticks to what he can prove." But now just the term "debunking," places the 911 truth movement, if you will, into the same category. Pointless rebuttals prove nothing, but convene through what was once an entirely reputable publication.

In the case of September 11, 2001, the same tired and useless technique continues. Baiting and switching, changing the subject as well as floating assertions without proof confidently keep up the pretense. Point by point easily refuted statements arrive. Since they come from "authoritative sources," they have the bully pulpit and people are supposed to praise them.

Presumably implied or direct retaliation involves your apt attention, if you do not go along with their swamp gas, crash dummies, and weather ballon stories. Never mind their "debunking," is more absurd than the ramblings of a total lunatic strapped down in a ward, it is you the college professor, you the nobel physicist, and you the long time policeman, who are the nut. It is you the eyewitness who have a problem, not those who specialize in cognitive dissonance. After all Popular Mechanics said so, and never mind they were long ago taken over by corporate special interests benefiting from 911 substantially.

[edit on 9-3-2005 by SkipShipman]

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 11:43 AM
Help, stop the New World Order? Isn't that's what everyone oif the conspiracy theorist ask? I lost respect for Popular Mechanics after I read their "Debunking" 9/11 "Myths" anyway. The guy had trust in a public magazine that targets teens, young adults and people in science, so I don't fault him. Books like Popular Mechanics, Maxim hit the the sect of the population that questions news and the general media. So one would use an interview to be heard. The guy that perverted his statments is the one at fault. The best thing guys like these can do is get interviewed on the Sci-Fi channel or something in person like other alternative news stations or shows. I feel heated myself after reading this. Not that I'm familiar with the guy because I have never heard of him, but I know the intense anger of someone having intentionally take your work or words out of content to suit THEIR use.

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by spliff4020
Think about it... Simulacra...Its people like you that caused us Americans to rebel...petty petty petty.. I want to place you on ignore, but then I cant shred your posts apart. So I will wait...

Your statement was highly ignorant.

Before you engage in 'British Bashing' you should first know that I'm an American. Actually, a in Wales. I'm not sure if you notice but it says 'Location', not 'Nationality'. Read first.

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Simulacra

Originally posted by spliff4020
Think about it... Simulacra...Its people like you that caused us Americans to rebel...petty petty petty.. I want to place you on ignore, but then I cant shred your posts apart. So I will wait...

Your statement was highly ignorant.

Before you engage in 'British Bashing' you should first know that I'm an American. Actually, a in Wales. I'm not sure if you notice but it says 'Location', not 'Nationality'. Read first.

Whatever...stay there, and for that matter, alot more should join you over there. A rock in the middle of the Atlantic is a perfect place. Oil is jesus, but you sure like driving a car, having heat and plastic, don't ya? Someones gotta take control, and Im glad America has the cojones to do it.

BTW---> way to grasp one tiny little point and avoid the rest.. I thought cowards only lived in France....

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 02:32 PM
Could we please drop the bnack-biting and get back to the regularly scheduled programming?

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 02:36 PM
Well, Ive been to the popular mechanics site and it is an interesting read. they pretty much shut it all down, including a bunch of other "theories" as well. I didnt realize what Jones did to prove his point. Anyrate it was crap. Maybe some people here should read it and decide for themselves. Me personally, I'm sold....

Debunking Alex Jones and the rest of the other crack pot theories

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 02:40 PM
More specificaly, heres the link right to Jones's theory..

Hes a nut-job, who is doing the mis-quoting

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