posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 03:50 AM
Thanks you for the compliments! Just so everyone knows I didn't create any of the visuals or music from scratch and don't wanna take credit for that.
I simply took a DJ style approach mixing existing material but focused on the visuals as well as the audio and added a few effects, blends etc. They
were fun to make and it helps practice if I decide to get back into producing original artists again from scratch. Or if I decide to start DJing again
and breaking out the projector live, which looks badass btw, even with cheap projectors. I always made sure their was a projector running at the
shows I threw and it made the whole experience more interesting.
I know I am going to make a few more mixes so I decided to name the collection and eventually string them all together into one big vidmix. I'm going
to call it:
I made a new one today about a really deep topic. I am pretty sure I will start the whole project with this one when I tie them all together. The link
is below and I will update the thread. Thanks again for checking it out and the kind words!