If you want to see through walls and use energy has weapons, no need to try and build them, just buy marine sonar and a radar system, trust me it
works. Anybody interested in this will find that the frequencies used in this field will be of interest. I have been a victim of this and if people
know then one day it will be common place.
That's cool and interesting, but you should do a proper thread on it in the appropriate forum. Even if your confused as to what forum it should go
into, the mods here will suggest one or move it for you.
After some initial introductions and replies,.you can create new threads.
Just do your hellos, and you'll be there soon.
edit on 23-10-2019 by Notoneofyou because: (no reason given)
Welcome aboard the good ship ATS, I'd steer clear of the lower decks, it gets a bit spooky down there and it's were DB hangs out!
The introduction area is for you to introduce yourself and tell us what things interest you.
Tighten your tin-foil hat, post in a few threads and then maybe start your own thread with evidence and links to ideas/theories about radar and sonar
weapons in something like the gray area.
edit on 23-10-2019 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)