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'Not One Drop Of Blood': Cattle Mysteriously Mutilated In Oregon

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posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 07:42 PM

'Not One Drop Of Blood': Cattle Mysteriously Mutilated In Oregon

Five young purebred bulls mysteriously showed up dead on the ranch this past summer, drained of blood and with body parts precisely removed.

Coming upon one of the dead bulls is an eerie scene. The forest is hot and still, apart from a raven's repeating caw. The bull looks like a giant, deflated plush toy. It smells. Weirdly, there are no signs of buzzards, coyotes or other scavengers. His red coat is as shiny as if he were going to the fair, but he's bloodless and his tongue and genitals have been surgically cut out.

And if this is being done by a person just for a laugh they are going to a lot of trouble just to prank a few cowboys.

Finding these young Herefords in this remote country can sometimes take the ranch's experienced cowboys days. Ranch staff members are now required to ride in pairs and are encouraged to carry arms.

"It's rugged," Marshall says. "I mean this is the frontier. If some person, or persons, has the ability to take down a 2,000-pound range bull, you know, it's not inconceivable that they wouldn't have a lot of problems dealing with a 180-pound cowboy."

I can only imagine what it must be like coming up on an animal in this state. Its one thing to read about it and imagine what it would look like; as if out of some movie we see all the time. But to actually walk over a hill and find a 2000 pound bull missing its blood and parts removed?

Back in the 1980s, one of Terry Anderson's mother cows was mysteriously killed overnight. Standing at his ranch near Pendleton, Ore., Anderson points to the exact spot where he found her on top of a mountain.

He remembers his cow lying dead, her udder removed with something razor sharp.

"And not one drop of blood anywhere," Anderson says.

He has never gotten over it.

"It's just left a really strange feeling with me since that day. You can't explain it," Anderson says. "And, you know, no one else has been able to explain it."

posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: DanDanDat

If we were to assume it's aliens, why would they need bull blood and organs?

Or, why would any group of intelligent and skilled people use expensive equipment to travel and secretly harvest this stuff from a bull?

The reasonings seem as bizzare as the act itself. I don't know much about cattle mutilation, but what are the theories why anyone would do this?

Anyway, thanks for sharing OP.

posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 10:01 PM
Never happens on camera...

Can someone please set up some range cams...

posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 10:21 PM
Some personal opinions about this. I thought that Skyfish might have been a possible culprit, but recently a friend had asked me to help move a dead cow off of his fathers ranch before the media (I think he meant us) caught wind of it. The "precision cuts looked more like animal bites. It was an eerie sight to see, but it's not as mysterious as everyone is making it sound. My friends dad told me he shot two wolverines already on his property this year. A few other people near Klickitat county have also had problems with "predator's" this year, but wouldn't say if it was wolverines or not (probably due to DNR poking around counting them, and the anti-cattle mentality Olympia seems to be broadcasting)

Anyways, these attacks are more than likely wolverines. It's a little weird to have them coming down this far this early, but I guess that just means cold winter maybe long one too.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 01:33 AM
Linda Moulton Howe spent a good part of her career extensively studying this phenomena.

Her Earthfiles website contains a wealth of reports on cases going back many years, and presented very scientifically. She also discusses many of the theories as to who is doing it and why.

There is still no consensus, but the evidence she has compiled is rather chilling.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: DanDanDat

If we were to assume it's aliens, why would they need bull blood and organs?

Or, why would any group of intelligent and skilled people use expensive equipment to travel and secretly harvest this stuff from a bull?

The reasonings seem as bizzare as the act itself. I don't know much about cattle mutilation, but what are the theories why anyone would do this?

Anyway, thanks for sharing OP.

A lot of people think that this is about environmental contamination. Cattle grazing pick up contamination from the soil and water, and the areas that are taken from cattle are soft tissues that can be used to determine how contaminated land is and how likely the contamination is to get in to the food chain.

The government may be cutting up cattle to check on fallout from early nuclear or chemical experiments or industrial pollution. And they may be using this to train covert or special forces while they do it. Or they may simply be using special forces as this is some kind of deep state off the books thing.

If it were aliens then they would probably take the whole cow as a flying saucer could just lift off and vanish. But humans would just take the important parts as they could be transported in secret much easier than and entire cow.

There are still some questjons, like any not simply buy the meat in a market but it's the best answer that I have.

Of course this might just be psychologically. Spread confusion and rumors. Reds under the beds was still a big thing when this started, and making rural populations fearful and confused helps to stop them from getting together against the urban elite who forum the country.

I'm the end, we don't really know, but we can determine which possible solutions are more or less likely.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 02:02 AM
Do Aliens crap too?

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: DanDanDat

If we were to assume it's aliens, why would they need bull blood and organs?

Or, why would any group of intelligent and skilled people use expensive equipment to travel and secretly harvest this stuff from a bull?

The reasonings seem as bizzare as the act itself. I don't know much about cattle mutilation, but what are the theories why anyone would do this?

Anyway, thanks for sharing OP.

Apart from the secret ops and the predator hypothesis presented by another user which seem to be the more reasonable explanations, when we speak about aliens everything could be possible. It could be a foreign cult practicing rituals or maybe some alien traders who collect this stuff to sell it on their on planet as ultra rare items with mystical powers.

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