posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to:
It is a VERY hard decision for Trump or indeed ANY president of the US.
Turkey is an ally and member of NATO but has moved away from the west since Erdogan took office there and closer to the Russians with whom the Turk's
have always had an animosity in the past since even before communist time's, indeed the British once saved them from invasion by the Russian Empire in
the Crimean war (the Germans were our ally in that one but later as you know they were on the side of Germany in WW1 which turned out badly for them
leading to the dissolving of the Ottoman Empire and in a kind of perverse twist they were once the big bad boogy man that terrorized and terrified
Europe for century's - to be fair though that was the Ottoman empire and Turkey only really took on it's current identity under there hero general and
founding father of there modern nation Ataturk whom turned there nation into a republic with secular ideology's), this distrust of the Russians made
them an invaluable ally in the cold war years, they were also actually VERY good soldiers in the Korean war and indeed a former British army officer I
once knew told me that he had visited a base were the Turk's had been attacked just that same day and despite this and the heavy battle that had
occurred the Turk's had found time to clean up the site after the battle getting it Bristol fashion and ship shape so that there was no sign that the
fierce battle had ever taken place.
But in Recent time's under Erdogan they have moved closer into alignment with the Russian federation and the Chinese even making friends among the
rest of the Islamic world, they also suffered set back's with the EU which may have played into this.
The Turk's also have a long standing feud with the Kurd's whom have fought a guerrilla war with them for generation's and tried to force the Turk's,
the Iranian's, the Syrian's and perhaps others to hand over part of there national territory to them so that they could establish there own state
which they intend to call Kurdistan so from a Turkish Perspective the idea of a Kurdish controlled region forming a virtual independent nation on
there border is a great concern - both sides have there point's, there justifications and there hatred of one another - think about the Kurdish
regions of Turkey as having been like Northern Ireland was for the British with no go zone's and the need for constant military patrol's which were
frequently attacked and as sad as it may be since many Kurds are genuinely lovely people in themselves the tradition of violence has been a never
ending circle of hatred and revenge on both sides of this argument.
So Trump is left with a dilemma, a very serious one, back up the Kurd's and risk alienating the Turks' and driving them even closer to the Russian's,
Chinese and Iranian's OR concede the play and not play his hand at this particular game of card's and let the Turk's have this one even if it does
have serious humanitarian consequences since if on side then Turkey will do the job of regime change in Syria for the US if more for it's own reason's
and likely this will then cool relations between Turkey and Russia but perhaps warm them back up with the rest of NATO especially the US restoring
them to be being onside with the US foreign policy in other matters if not particularly the plan the US had in there interventions in Syria.
Then there is the political problem's at home with his decision's with some trigger happy people wanting him to take an aggressive stand and even
fight the US former Ally Turkey - whom are not as rag tag as the foes the US has faced over the last several decades but have there own modern army,
air force and arm's industry's and very well trained military personnel that put the rest of the Islamic world to shame since they are very much more
of a first world nation with a hybrid first world near eastern economy and interests on both sides of that ancient dividing line that separates the
west from the east.
It is an impossible situation because the US does not win if it goes either way, perhaps therefore it is better to get Turkey a former friend and
ally back on there side than to back up the Kurdish militia and then to allow the Turk's to perform that regime change in Syria for them, meanwhile
since the ball is now firmly in Turkey's court they will also have Russia Lobbying them to ensure there interests in Syria do not suffer and they may
very well for concession's with Turkey end up allowing or even forcing that regime change themselves which may create a potential back door path to
shared interests with the US - Eventually - or could blow up and back fire on the west entirely if it goes to pot.
edit on 9-10-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)