posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 10:05 PM
I searched a little and didn't come up with anything so if this has been asked please post a link if you have one.
For the sake of this conversation we will take as fact:
- alien life lives here on Earth in some capacity...
- we have some form civil "relations" with them...
- we exchange technology with them (for instance the S-4 Fyling Disc )
If these are taken as fact, do we visit their home planets and have some roll there? I always hear about how they are involved in our affairs but
never heard the oppsosite being true. I figure, if we have traded for technology like the S-4 Flying Disc and who knows what else it seems very viable
we are capable so the end questions are do we, are there reasons for us to, and is there anything gained by doing so?
I know I'm using "they" pretty broadly but I think my questions are clear.