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The American Civil War of 2005 as predicted by John Titor

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posted on Sep, 4 2005 @ 01:53 PM

New Orleans Police have started handing in their badges and leaving. Some commit suicide, others never show up.

From what I understand someone told me the police in SF told them if some terroist attack happened down there, most of them would leave. Just like in NO.

So if there is a terrorist attack like suspected, this will be a country of anarchy without any police forces and an army troops based law... It will be ugly...

Something else: A senior administration official said that Bush has clear legal authority to federalize National Guard units to quell civil disturbances under the Insurrection Act and will continue to try to unify the chains of command that are split among the president, the Louisiana governor and the New Orleans mayor.

Titor said something like : The president in 2005 tried to be the next lincoln and unite the country...

Maybe Martial Law all over the country.... :Louisiana officials rejected the request after talks throughout the night, concerned that such a move would be comparable to a federal declaration of martial law.

This is getting worst everyday...

[edit on 4-9-2005 by Vitchilo]

posted on Sep, 4 2005 @ 03:06 PM
“I never thought that at a National Guardsman I would be shot at by other Americans,” said Spc. Philip Baccus of the 527th Engineer Battalion. “And I never thought I’d have to carry a rifle when on a hurricane relief mission. This is a disgrace.”

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Simulacra
It's funny how when Titor's predictions become suddenly relevant, the nay sayers are no where to be found.

Sorry, it's called having a life. I had two friends down in NO, they're finally getting back to this area safe and sound and I was checking up on them. The stories are simply unbelievable.
Sorry I didn't have time to have petty arguments about a fictional character. You know if you ask some kids, they'd swear Santa Clause is real. Sad some grown ups can't distinguish between fact and fiction.

Anyway, which of Titor's predictions are relevant in this case?

My offer still stands btw, if a Civil War develops I will personally give you a check for $1.5 mil....or uh...euros.....whatever.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 01:49 AM
^idk man i been readin all night about stuff that alot of people are becoming very enraged about. such as FEMA situation and such. everyone is growing tired of this garbage and at a accerated pace since before katrina. alot of things and realization came about because this hurricane.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 01:52 AM
ya its ugly in NO its only gonna get uglier as the days past and with no "Intelligent" people there making decision i mean like turning away supply trucks,keeping people there ....and other that I could name ..Its just gonna get worse I dont know WTF there are trying to do but whatever their agenda its working and the people are SUFFERING for it

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 01:55 AM
Here are all of the Titor posts that we have in the ATS archive that I feel could be used in regards to a Katrina/civil war discussion. Keep in mind that there might be posts out there that we don't have in the ATS archive:

02/09/01 14:02 (about the future) 322
5. We do not live in a racist society but definitely a prejudice one. Everyone carries their own water.

03/02/2001 03:14 pm (about the future) 576
((John,thank you for sharing,I find this fasinating.wanted to ask, has California,had"the Big" earthquake,in your time and has any of the north Coast disappeared?..also, I really do wish that you could be a guest on Art's show,I am sure it would be enjoyable...thanks again.....Richard.?))
The big one? As you are experiencing now, there are earthquakes, storms and other unfortunate surprises from Mother Nature that have impacts on your society and future history. That is one reason I won’t go into detail. However, don’t worry too much about major portions of coastline slipping under water.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Roth Joint

John Titor
"However, there are a great many “non lethal” weapon systems in development that turn out to be quite lethal.” Anyone for microwave popcorn?"
"I know the pain and regret of not acting soon enough to enjoy a relationship as a loved one dies of brain cancer from a war that gained nothing."

I could have told you that microwave weapons were being developed in 2002. Popular Science came out with a book in 2002 called 21st Century Soldier which discusses technology that the millitary has avalible or is developing. The microwave system was called "Active Denial Technology" was a dish mounted on top of a Hum-vee. This fired microwaves at a crowd. Tempratures would reach 140 degrees F.

What is there to say that John Titor didn't pick up this book and read it or obtain this info off the net? The point is information on this technology was widely avalible to the public years before John Titor made his prediction.

John Titor

[edit on 9/5/2005 by GoldEagle]

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 12:33 PM
^ because john titor made this claim in 2000-2001 after that he was gone.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 12:56 PM
It has allready been stated on this thread that for Thatsjustwierd to acknowledge a Waco type event, it would have to happen in Waco.

Well bud whether you believe it or not, NewOrleans is a War zone, the government inept response will not be soon forgotten. And people taking food and drink from ruined stores are not looters, and they should not be Cracked down on for tryin to survive.

BTW im 36 married with 3 kids. Im not some kid with dreams of anarchy, It breaks my heart to see my Once great country decline in regards to civil liberties, and to be run by complete idiots.

FEMA's failure is unforgivable[i bet nobody is fired for their failures]
Combat operations in New Orleans is unacceptible
The Governments position that property is more important than lives is unacceptible. KUDO's to the mayor of this destroyed city, he as a good captian has never left he has stayed at his post while his city sank, and while the outside authoritys halted food and water supplies from getting to those that needed them/ and blokeing survivors from fleeing the, one mistake after another, Katrina should be used as a model on how Not to respond to a natural disaster.

I want All bodies autopsied, I wanna know how many killed by cops or military....Just thank god you and your family was not there.


John Titor is more right than any argument Anyone has submitted against him. and that sucks

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 01:07 PM
u kiddin me, if FEMA head guy doesnt get fired after this. with the info they released about him and his actions, thats not gunna be another piece of hay of the camels back, its gunna be a haystack of it.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 01:08 PM
Info on this tech was around long before that, the Popular Science had to of got that info from somewhere. The book said that they were currently developing the tech for those weapons, and they were on the drawing boards for a while. Do some digging up on the net and albet that this tech was proposed ealier.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 01:23 PM
well at the time did they predict that these non lethal microwavers and beanbag shooter could be potentially lethal tasers as well.

the question wasnt if we had the non lethal stuff it was that would it still be lethal even tho its supose to be non lethal

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 02:44 PM
I just came across this brutal Tazer video. Be warned, it's very, very hard to watch. A police officer just constantly tazes this women even though she is calm and following instructions...hell, shes even on the ground belly first with her hands up.

Very had to watch. Be warned.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
well at the time did they predict that these non lethal microwavers and beanbag shooter could be potentially lethal tasers as well.

the question wasnt if we had the non lethal stuff it was that would it still be lethal even tho its supose to be non lethal

Would blasting any form of high energy that is capable of cooking a beef roast have the potential of being lethal? It's common sense people.

[edit on 9/5/2005 by GoldEagle]

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 03:10 PM
so now our police are cooking our fellow american like roast beef? that doesnt send a very good message as far as im concidered

edit: taser video link didnt work

[edit on 5-9-2005 by grimreaper797]

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
It has allready been stated on this thread that for Thatsjustwierd to acknowledge a Waco type event, it would have to happen in Waco.

Well bud whether you believe it or not, NewOrleans is a War zone, the government inept response will not be soon forgotten. And people taking food and drink from ruined stores are not looters, and they should not be Cracked down on for tryin to survive.

BTW im 36 married with 3 kids. Im not some kid with dreams of anarchy, It breaks my heart to see my Once great country decline in regards to civil liberties, and to be run by complete idiots.

FEMA's failure is unforgivable[i bet nobody is fired for their failures]
Combat operations in New Orleans is unacceptible
The Governments position that property is more important than lives is unacceptible. KUDO's to the mayor of this destroyed city, he as a good captian has never left he has stayed at his post while his city sank, and while the outside authoritys halted food and water supplies from getting to those that needed them/ and blokeing survivors from fleeing the, one mistake after another, Katrina should be used as a model on how Not to respond to a natural disaster.

I want All bodies autopsied, I wanna know how many killed by cops or military....Just thank god you and your family was not there.


John Titor is more right than any argument Anyone has submitted against him. and that sucks

Are you a stalker or something?
Why did you mention my name?
The vast majority of that post I agree with. You also seem to have a reading comprehension problem especially on the first of two things I disagree with your post about....
1. I know you were trying to be funny, but you did a lousy job in saying that I said only Waco type events could happen in Waco. Really pathetic. I've already adressed this and I still want my question answered. Where are the other 19 Waco type events that were supposed to take place by this time?

2. The Mayor did a HORRIBLE job. The Governor too. I'm not sure why Bush is getting the blame...even from them. They had troops and everything at their disposal. THEY are the ones who didn't act quickly. Look at the four hurricanes that hit Florida last year. They governor and local officials were on it immediately without government help. They mayor of NO and Governor of LA should have been on it immediately until help from the feds arrived. But no, they waited and played the blame game. It's absolutely sick that this is getting no attention.

Anyway the rest of the post I basically agree with, so I would appriciated it if you don't mention my name again in such a way. You obviously haven't read through this thread to see my stance on things.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 04:28 PM
ill agree with u on with the governer because she waited too long to ask for help, as soon as she saw the damage that occured she shoulda called in help. but bush is head of country and last i remember down there is part of the country. bush should have made a responce sooner, once she sed i need the national guard it was his job to supervise and see it they get there.

the mayor is the only person i dont put blame on. in order to opperate a bus u need a license for it. now he could have either gotten people that didnt know how to drive busses and potentially get into accidents or stay put. even if he did have the busses two other things could have happened
1. they would have gotten everyone on the busses quick enough, left and hit the dead moving traffic jams i saw on the news the day before in which were leaving town.
2. they could have organized it but mid way through loading the busses and leaving the hurricane hits full force and then what? they are stuck in the middle of a hurricane in a bus or outside the bus? that would have been even more of a disaster.

but anyway dont get me started on FEMA, everything they did and everyone in it is a big screw up. disgraceful

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by GoldEagle

Originally posted by grimreaper797
well at the time did they predict that these non lethal microwavers and beanbag shooter could be potentially lethal tasers as well.

the question wasnt if we had the non lethal stuff it was that would it still be lethal even tho its supose to be non lethal

Would blasting any form of high energy that is capable of cooking a beef roast have the potential of being lethal? It's common sense people.

[edit on 9/5/2005 by GoldEagle]

Common sense? Mmmmmh... confusing... should I listen to my "common sense" or to the highly respected US Military?

Because really, believe it or not, according to the US Military, those weapons are perfectly safe and harmless:
July 25, 2005

Troops in Iraq will soon be shooting an experimental weapon that fires an invisible beam of energy instead of bullets to repel insurgents without killing civilians.

Millimeter-length radiation fired by the Active Denial System penetrates just below the surface of the skin to cause an excruciating burning sensation until it is turned off.
Extensive testing has shown no lasting damage, the military said.

The weapon will be demonstrated in public this summer and in Iraq within months. It is the first in what could become a catalog of energy beams that aim to ease one of the war's toughest problems.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 04:54 PM
o and also, i concider waco type events that progressively get worse happening.

first u get small events, a person kill here and there due to tasers and such. excessive force on people here and there u say "ok big deal." it happens a bit more often, u say "so what its not on the scale of waco still" then it happens in protests, sum1 gets killed and more excessive force "thats still not on the scale of waco. its bad ok but still these arent waco events" u say? then this happens....a disaster followed by FEMA denying people food and water, cutting emergency lines, and troops coming in shootin people just because they are armed or sumtimes just acting suspicious. now uve got ur progressing events that get worse.....will there be more...if it continues the path its taking then yes. so think before u start saying nothing titor sed is true. or even half the stuff he sed isnt true

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 05:03 PM
Microwaves cause skin burns and eye cataracts. Sound causes deafness and also eye cataracts.
I would expect these crippling weapons to be used against "scum" that has no rights. The day when they start being used in the US, it means that the people has become the scum.

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