posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 12:32 AM
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Hi NHG. Thanks for your reply.
In consensual reality today: folks are worried about many things, and are afraid to bring a child into 'that' world.
But from a viewpoint of seeing a convergence of science, QM, philosophy, spirituality: it's an absolutely fascinating time to be alive !!!
( Pssssst: we may be biased, cause it's kinda the only 'time' that we 'know'... LoL ).
What are your thoughts, on the idea that it may be only a part of us that experiences the ..."step by step calculations"... , consensual reality,
shared existence:
while another part of us is now easier seen to be beyond the physical realm ? ( Unreal Duality. )
What if it isn't just the tech that you describe, but us that have the inherent ability to exist 'parallel to time', and to seamlessly slide between
'probable lives', types of person, 'different experience' experiences ?
In other words, ( 'cause it's so awkward to describe ): we can do all of that within this 'mind/awareness/imagination' ?
Can you envision a person practicing this enough, to be able to vivid, semi-'real' experiences and scenarios ?
Seriously: why not ?