a reply to:
1. Is obvious when Autoshops refuse to change. I'm currently working in one already and they were offered free Tesla training, but the manager didn't
take it.
2. End of Petrol engine is a must, its complex and oil does come forever. Waiting to trade my car for a proper electric car that doesn't catch on fire
like Tesla right now.
3. Robots replacing our work due to increase demand and lack of training. Also corporate takeover.
4. Great technology, but its most likely robotic arms. There needs to be someone servicing that unless it was built by robots to do robotic things.
This goes back to #3. This can be cause by Corporate takeover, rich people unwilling to train or pay people to service machines, but machine services
5. Gas is outdated, it done by fracking. Electric is the future because they are cheaper and will have higher range than petrol in the future.
6. Yup. Will it become a monopoly? #3 says so. So this all about the companies monopolizing the system.
7. That makes sense because you should not mix oil/gas with electric current. It will cause major fire. Tesla batteries uses a different type of fire
extinguisher than gas/oil.
8. I won't say that. Coal is outdated should have been gone. Natural Gas and oil for lubrication will still stay. Such oils needs are still for
mechanical parts of the vehicle like suspensions, wheels, door frames, compressed tools, and tires. Tesla suspension/wheels are not all electric esp
for winter. People still change tires for electric cars in the shop unless they manage to get ride of tire completely. Motor oil will probably be gone
cause obvious reasons.
9. Makes sense. Not sure what will happen to dams though. But if water world happens we need the tech for electricity.
10. Goes back to auto shops not accepting the free training. People are working too long an hour to have time to change.
11-14. The company did not evolve and tried to monopolize by suppressing technology. It asked for it just like what happening to GM since EV. Resource
base economy is the future. The less material require the better the tech.
15. AI monopoly done by companies is not only a threat to humanity, but to the world. This is why China = good & US = bad. Gov >
Companies/corporations. Follow the public rules for civilian sector.
16. Was bound to happen, but is it done right? Looking at US right, obviously no. Guys keep calling every system communist.
17. Hope not. We need to keep a lot of tools analog. Too much digital. I'm planning to by analog pressure checker. So far I see digital and require
freaking battery. You can't never go wrong with analog.
18. Taxi companies tried to monopolize the system and didn't evolve. That is their own fault. I mean look at Cuban style taxis. They have culture.
Western doesn't apart from the Brits with their classic car style.
19. Hotels are not evolving when they should. I just google them. Its no surprise because there rooms are much better.
20. You can't compete with database/record based system. They don't forget anything. We humans do.
21-22. Good
23. Bad, the fk does facebook needs that tech. They aren't Gov control agency to protect the population. WTH man.
24-25. Military will have fun while civilian sector doesn't. This is bad and should be banned because Space Age will render that useless. Self
automated travelling to other planet systems is needed on spacecrafts, but manual override must be forced to these tech by law. Again companies are
doing things wrong.
26. Good, but still if we are not moving to space colonization then we are basically slaves to the system.
27. Reason for most death is cause by stress, lack of sleep, being late to work and over worked. Gov is not doing its job to prevent, control, and
protect. If people aren't working so much and bringing the cars to be check every few thousand miles in autoshop, this won't be happening. I have
change oil to cars with very little oil left in the engine and the brakes and tire being worn out. I've seen a lot of drivers rushing without using
indicators. I can obvious see the reason, autonomous cars allow people to relax, sleep and do other things without touching the wheels.
28. Car companies not evolving properly when they should. Car companies need to start hiring IT tech coders for computer based system and makes things
less complicated to the drive such as how you start the engine, etc. I've seen cars with complex system which is highly unnecessary. Cars has tracking
system now, if it gets stole it can be tracked. China was the one that saved so many car companies for a long time and buying their time. Better start
following China's route. Range Rover is still being protected for now. Hummer died very early for not selling to China until too late. Chinese can't
save your butts for long.
29. That is the plan. Actually hybrid cars now a days accelerate faster than non hybrids. The extra electric motor helps boost the speed.
30. Engineers are not taking the free training or the training is not free. Either that or electric vehicles have too many different setups and gets
31. This might be good if car companies insure their own vehicles and track records. Replacing insurance companies. would be a lot less hassle.
32. Good as long as its properly done. Towers are meant for sightseeing, office works & other stuff anyways(there aren't homes). A lot of towers
should be converted to Hotels, sightseeing and Helicopters/VTOL Spacecraft pads(for civilian, Search & Rescue/Military).
33-36. Good
37. Bad, Companies are not evolving. Big Oil needs to die anyways. Natural Gas can still be around for space colonization. Its up to them if they side
with Big Oil.
38. Good. But, I want a separate scanner to scan for environmental particles like Star Trek such as Oxygen, metal like Iron, radiation, etc to see if
the place is suitable to live in for life. Maybe in the future.
39. This might be bad, there needs to be an alternate route for trading precious metal like gold/silver. Physical currency should not disappear just
for survival part of life.
40. I'm pretty AI will be the only that can hack and screw you over. Same goes for recordings.