I've been trying to say for a while now but no-one on ATS understands or is willing to listen. The "left" in the US is not the "left" in the
traditional sense of the concept. There is literally no-one in the US advocating the seizure of the means of production and the redistribution of the
ownership back to either workers committee or government control. All media in the US represents corporate interests. All so called, "left wing"
politics in America still advocates capitalist business practice. I see no socialism in the traditional sense being advocated by anyone. What I see is
Keynesian Capitalism being "re-labeled" Socialism. Keynesian Capitalism was the form of Capitalism that proliferated in the west after WWII to prevent
a repeat of the Great Depression. Since the 1980's, we have had "neo-liberalism". Pure market forces economics with limited regulation and an emphasis
on driving down safety nets and workers rights so as to make life easier for business. This has also seen the movement of labour overseas due to
market forces (offshoring). Any deviation from that is now labelled "Socialism" by the corporate elite. You guys swallow it up. WAKE UP!