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Cigarettes and Vaping in Australia

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posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: CthruU

As for vaping, what a waste of time, i mean ex cigarette smokers may as well hang a sign around their necks saying - im an addict i was addicted to cigarettes, however im still an addict as i still smoke/simulate smoke through this crappy device as im still addicted to the habit itself.

Would you use such a condescending tone against someone who is addicted to coffee? What exactly is so wrong about enjoying the sensation of ones particular habit if that habit is safe?

Point here- we all know- we ignore for whatever reason- we therefore are weak addicts- we deserve everything we get.

You do realize addiction can be considered a serious medical condition and that's why it's so hard for some people to break their addictions... placing all the blame entirely on the addict and saying they deserve everything they get is just mean spirited, I don't care if you smoke, have some self-respect. Personal liberty does exist but it doesn't come easily, we often have to fight for it, bending over and taking what ever is handed to you is exactly why you don't have personal liberty.

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Don't talk to anti-smokers. Most are paid to parrot their lines and others are just obsessed. Actually there is about 5 reasons why people are anti-smokers. Money is at the top but I don't wish to be disrespectful to the point of view of the others. There is no reason to be disrespectful.


"it doesn't take a rocket science...." is another debating technique that is used to close down a debate without having to prove your point.

Think carefully. Man has evolved in the presence of .....FIRE...and where there is fire, there is....wait for it.....SMOKE.

Our lungs, our bodies, our brains and our cultures have evolved in the presence of voluminious clouds of smoke. Smoke created by the burning of wood, leaves, # and generally anything that would burn. We kept warm and survived by burning anything we could lay our hands on!!! Our homes were foggy with smoke! And our lungs and bodies evolved and developed and were challenged by it. Do you think after decades of breathing that smoke, some people might have coughed?

In the 1950s, we started to think that smoke was pollution (thanks mainly to anti-smokers) and removed it from our homes by heating them with gas. What happened? Surely every single person out there immediately experienced a returrn to that oh so necessary health you are referring to????

Well no- as a matter of fact - children started getting asthma - an increase in incidence of 800 %. you see, humans had evolved in the presence of smoke, when the smoke was gone, there was no challange for the the lungs to develop , normally so they became hypersensitive.

Food allergies became deadly.

Your ancesters lived and breathed in the presence of smoke for millenia AND they smoked! And you think inhaling the smoke of 19 g of dried leaves is unhealthy??

please prove your point

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks

is smoking unhealthy???

Like with any and all substances in the world, the poison is NOT in the substance but in the dose.

No one, despite despite decades and decades of research has every been able to associate any health effect (including coughing) with moderate smoking (defined as 10 to 15 cigarettes a day.

If you have a glass of wine once or twice a week - no health effects over the course of decades.
Drink a quart of jack danials every day for a year - bad health effects, up to and including death

1 aspirin a day - cures a head ache with little risk
100 aspirin - kills you

a few glasses of water - good hyration
a few litres of water - kidney failure and even death.

10 to 15 cigarettes a day for a lifetime - little health risk, better focus, concentration, mental health, stress relief.
2 packs a day for 60 years - yeah you might have a cought and be unhelathy

Its NOT smoking that is unhealthy, it is the abuse of smoking that might be unhealthy for some people depending on their health in the first place and what other unhealthy habits, they already have.

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks

Just living in the city is enough to increase ones chances of asthma and COPD. A big correlation there, especially amongst those living in the valleys of a city. This data points to car and truck exhaust more than smoking. It is also why those living higher in the hills have a premium on their property, the air is cleaner and you are out of the natural sinks for the heaver atmospheric matter that makes it into the air. Living out in the county for a while and you do notice the smells of city a lot more.

Another thing I noticed too when giving up smoking is a much reduced tolerance to second hand smoke.

Moderation is key for so many things.

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Wow, $30.00 a pack is pretty steep!

Have they legalized recreational pot use in Oz yet?

The "thrust" of the effort in the US is to phase out tobacco products and Vaping while legalizing recreational use of Pot which of course, the government collects fat taxes from. The Nanny state of steroids.

I'm all up with this; keep the dummies happily stoned. Eventually they won't be able to work so put them on buses to the West Coast where they can live out their days stoned on the streets of LA or Portland, San Fran or Seattle.

Another thought however. At those prices, your corrupt and doubtless degenerate peadophilic government has created a marvelous opportunity for those willing to accept a bit of risk. No firearms means the public is disarmed so it wouldn't be very hard to run through homes and shops stealing cigarettes and then selling them on hooky street. You could make a mint! And better yet, if the police in OZ are as disabled as the cops in the UK, all you have to do is steal a reasonably fast automobile to make a get-away. Per show about Manchester UK uniformed cops, the popo in the UK is driving crappy little Ford Fiesta's with a top speed of 60 MPH; they just abandon car chases. They give up!

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 12:39 PM
$50 for a pack of 30's?

Change brands.

Packs of 20's can go for $23aud depending on the brand.

Pisses me off they tax smokers to hell, cover the packages in images and warnings showing smoking is bad in many ways for you.

Promotes "Quit" programs. But also allows them to be sold, while being legal then can fine you for smoking them depending on where you are.

Price increases is meant to discourage people from smoking.

So why are the even legal? They know they're poison with no benefits.
If they truly want people to quit why not outlaw them?

It's simply a case of cashing in on peoples addictions, while being able to say they're doing something about it.

I have tried quitting unsuccesfully on many occasions, it's the one thing I have no will power with.
But I know I'd quit 110% if I had no options to buy them.
I doubt I like many would go to a 'dealer' for tobacco.

It's a scam. Government are nothing but dealers. They just find new ways to justify selling them to us under the guise of 'caring'. And you can't even sue them for it because they took care of that years ago.
edit on 13-9-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

I live in Canada.

Thanks to the natives, cigarettes are as cheap as they were in the 1970s

ARE YOU SURE you are "addicted"

Nicotine is said to the be addictive substance in tobacco. but smokers do not eat tobacco. They burn tobacco and inhale the smoke.

What happens to NICOTINE when it is burned??

Well, upon oxidation (burning), NICOTINE, turns into NICOTINIC ACID also named NIACIN or vitamin B3. It is niacin, as essential b vitamin that provides most of the benefits of smoking (capillaries open, blood pressure falls, stress recedes, brain focuses, energy is released)..

I didn't know that a vitamin could be addicted???

Listen, you want to quit? Do it! It will not kill you to quit. You will not suffer detox issue, hallucinations, shaking or throwing up. You don't need a doctor. You don't need a needle, gummies, patchies, hypnosis or anything.

It has been proven that cold turkey is the best option. After the first 24 hours, the urges do recedes. Urges only last 30 seconds. Resist for 30 seconds for 24 hours and voila there you are!

If you don't quit, you don't want to.

Does anyone reading this discussion actually know something about smoking that didn't come out of the anti-smoking playbook??

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: AtomicKangaroo
$50 for a pack of 30's?

Change brands.

Packs of 20's can go for $23aud depending on the brand.

I think it's around $45 AUD for a 30 pack, which is why I said close to $50. Maybe if you buy the cheapest brand you can possibly find you might get a price closer to what you're paying, but I'm not seeing prices that low even for the cheapest brands in my area. I mean even $23 for a 20 pack isn't great, it's still more than a dollar per cig, but it's still lower than the average prices we have now, especially after the most recent price increase.

It's simply a case of cashing in on peoples addictions, while being able to say they're doing something about it.


posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Have they legalized recreational pot use in Oz yet?

The "thrust" of the effort in the US is to phase out tobacco products and Vaping while legalizing recreational use of Pot which of course, the government collects fat taxes from. The Nanny state of steroids.

I doubt they will legalize in my life time, there's a lot of anti-weed propaganda and our government couldn't care less about allowing adults to make decisions for themselves. I enjoy smoking it and I'm not just some docile dummy, so I think you're interpretation of the situation is way off. The resistance to legalization comes from the same idiots who think taxing smokers into oblivion is a good thing.

And better yet, if the police in OZ are as disabled as the cops in the UK, all you have to do is steal a reasonably fast automobile to make a get-away. Per show about Manchester UK uniformed cops, the popo in the UK is driving crappy little Ford Fiesta's with a top speed of 60 MPH; they just abandon car chases. They give up!

You have little chance of escaping cops here, they have very nice vehicles and they will chase you.

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

now we should discuss your OP

I hope I caused you to see that you lied to in the same way as we were back in the days of REEFER madness. Just think of the millions of people who spent their lives in a cage because the government lied.

You are concerned about the government banning nicotine in vape products. This is a concern, however, the real concern is bringing in prohibition slowly for the use of common weeds.

They brought in prohibition for alcohol. What happened. People made their own and shared (sold) with others. We need to make it all happen over again.

We don't have to do it here in canada, we are not paying only exorbitant price and the government is losing millions. Prohibition will ultimately end.

Time to buy tobacco seeds and each smoker spread them far and wide. In parks, along railroad tracks, in farmers fields, backyards. Don't worry about the plants. tobacco is a weed, it will take care of itself.

When it is grown, cut it and bring it home, dry it, grind to smokable bits with a weed grinder, then roll it and smoke it. Share it. talk with other smokers about its availability.

Deprive the government of money. Until they decide that anti-smoking is more harmful than smoking.

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 03:35 PM
As far as addiction is concerned, it's mostly a matter of habit and environment. They did a study on returning Vietnam vets a while back who were regularly doing heroin during their tours of duty, but the minute they got their orders to come home, the vast majority of them simply stopped using it. Now, I hear heroin is pretty addictive, but these guys were just able to stop once they were out of the horrific environment where it was easy to get and use.

I've also heard of smokers who pretty much just woke up one day and decided not to smoke anymore and they quit.

Comedian Doug Stanhope said "There is no such thing as addiction; there are just some things that you like more than life." If people want smokers of vapers to quit, all they have to do is offer something better that what nicotine (or whatever) is able to provide and change their environment so they are no longer encouraged. So it may not be easy if somebody has a stressful (or actively social) life and they want a quick solution that doesn't require them to go to a doctor. Nicotine isn't the problem, it's stress.

posted on Sep, 13 2019 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

But if this is true, shouldn't farting in a public space be banned, as other people have to breath in your # molecules?

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