Many moons ago, a spy satellite caught a glimpse of a very bright “flash” off the coast of Africa.
Much speculation about what caused it, quite a bit centered around a nuclear test explosion, though none of the “known powers” claimed to set
anything off, and no one claimed to have joined “the nuclear club” by detonating a warhead.
Eventually, consensus held that
IF it was a nuke, it
might have been Israeli.
Tinfoil hat time:
North Korea is still very motivated to develop its nuclear arsenal, especially in the area of a dependable ICBM-deliverable nuke.
But, NK is currently playing “frenemy” with the US, and has, supposedly curtailed its nuke weapons program.
However, despite prior “strains” between NK and its primary benefactor, China, when China was working to develop a positive relationship
with the new US administration, that connection with China endures.
China is also, perhaps coincidentally focused on developing its presence on the African continent.
And China is currently locked in an economic “death match” trade war with the US.
Anyone else connecting these dots?
Now an earthquake reads differently than a nuke, seismically-speaking,
Would the “players” involved have any motivation to not disclose the “real” data?
edit on 9-9-2019 by Bhadhidar because: (no reason