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Is it e.t?

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posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: RoScoLaz5
whatever that is (photoshop fake notwithstanding) i assume to be more likely of an earthly than an extraterrestrial origin.

What does an extraterrestrial one look like???

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit
a reply to: reject

What's amazing about the UFO Haiti video (clearly a hoax) is that video is now 12 going on 13 years old. Had they not had the wobble in the craft it would have been even better.

Think about how much better CGI capability is today.

NOTE TO FUTURE VIDEO HOAXERS: When hoaxing a video of an interstellar craft supposedly capable of using a gravity field as a means of "propulsion" there is not a need to bank the UAP in your video as the laws of aerodynamics no longer apply.

edit on 9-9-2019 by 1point92AU because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: reject

I'm just glad they circled it in the one pic or I would've missed it for sure.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 03:45 AM
Looks alot like the pictures with a object people call the TR-3B, supposed US piece of machinery.
edit on 10/9/2019 by Bauwser because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: Bauwser

But does it have antigravity tech?

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: reject

Thirdphaseofthemoon = fake

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: 1point92AU
What's amazing about the UFO Haiti video (clearly a hoax) is that video is now 12 going on 13 years old. Had they not had the wobble in the craft it would have been even better.

That's why the provenance of UFO videos is pretty important. Because it's worthwhile to note that not everybody is a CGI expert and the majority of UFO videos still are just taken by ordinary people who don't know what they're seeing. For instance, is it CGI or just somebody who saw a flying thing that he couldn't identify:

Another Tic-Tac, or Just High Contrast Washing out the Wings and Tail?

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev

Not exactly the same ship design, similar.

Are you serious?

Those are just photo shopped images.

The first one is taken from a 1990 space shuttle image .


The second image is simply a photo shopped image of a US Navy F-14 Tomcat being recovered from a crash in the Mediterranean Sea.

Debunk Link

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: tommyjo

The first is an admitted CGI representation of a triangle (based on witness reports).

I thought the second was a movie prop.

Anyway, back to OP, a questionable source (most likely a hoax as said). And a rule of thumb, triangles = human’s; round saucer/cylinders = uh,.. not ours!

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: 1point92AU
What's amazing about the UFO Haiti video (clearly a hoax) is that video is now 12 going on 13 years old. Had they not had the wobble in the craft it would have been even better.

That's why the provenance of UFO videos is pretty important.

Agreed. Better yet...provide us the raw video file for the experts to dissect to determine if the actual video has been edited. Have you researched this one? The guy who released it also made the raw footage available for download. It's been researched and analyzed to the 1000th degree. Was posted on ATS too.

posted on Sep, 14 2019 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: ThePeaceMaker
The video is from thirdphaseofmoon a known hoaxer channel it's been discussed here in this thread a few days back

I don't think ThirdPhase actually make the they??

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