posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 10:15 AM
If you're okay with a bit of 2nd hand and DIY the 3DR Solo could be worth a look.
Released in 2015 they're still one of the best 'smart' drones on the market.
You can pick them up pretty cheap now, sometimes still new in the box and with a tonne of accessories.
Only restrictions are no 'new' OEM parts, like batteries, but you can make your own new batteries and other parts easily enough or there are people in
the community who will make parts for a fair price. (You can still get new OEM batteries but it's potluck how good they'll be.)
Also using official hardware go can only use up to a gopro4 black, but again people have found ways to add new gimbals and cameras. It has a pretty
large modding community and is open source to boot.
Worth checking out any way if you want to get into serious flying and hardware for a budget.
Search facebook for 3DR Solo Owners Group, JBR's 3DR Solo Owners, 3DR Based UAV/UAS Buy Swap and Sell and the Solo Mod Club.
Possibly one of the most well documented drones on the market and imho still one of the best if you're willing to do a little work.
edit on 5-9-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: added words