posted on Sep, 3 2019 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to:
My younger son put me under pressure on fathers day this last sunday. I was cooking away when they rolled up and he gave me my present. A $46 kilo
ribeye. And expected me to cook it straight away. So i got everything off the BBQ - warmed the meat up ( it was still cool from his fridge ) by
running it under gentle warm water. Patted it, salted it, and wacked it on sealing the sides 1st. Flipped once only
They were watching wanting to learn....the correct way to cook a good cut. Flipped it at the right time, took it off when the suspected it was ready.
Let it rest,, then cut it. It was the perfect purple. My eldest who "connoisseurs" fine burger and whiskey establishments exclaimed "WTF - it melts
like butter Dad"
My proud moment!
edit on 3-9-2019 by TheConstruKctionofLight because: spell