posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 08:06 PM
To start at the beginning, where does money come from? Quantitative Easing demonstrates that it all starts with a ledger book at the Federal Reserve.
Common theory has the Bond market as another source, but is this really making money or just shuffling it and getting some interest out of it. Then we
have this growing debt hole, who has all this money to give to the government and why is the government paying interest on it? Isn't the government
suppose to be the one who makes the money? Sounds like a whole lot of grifters got into the system there.
Trump is giving the Fed pressure, there is also rumblings through many branches of the rich and famous with Epstein gone. Could trafficking scales
gone the way they have without some Rothschild support, a big player in global banking? Until these dark forces get flushed out hard to say where it
will end. Brexit, EU, Hong Kong lots of stress everywhere.
There has been talk of returning to the gold standard. It has a long history and a safer way to go if all the new stuff cannot work it out. Just where
is the value of money? Bitcoin is one demonstration of the value in 'Trust'. It does this through the strength of its encryption. People trust the
code to account correctly. I know Bitcoin is not for everyone, but it does challenge how we define money. Money does not need to be backed by
anything, but it does need to be trusted by those doing the accounting. Trusting people and money has a very sketchy history with the banks having
hundreds of years of hard lessons in their regulations.
Metal coins are practical, hard wearing but can get heavy in numbers. Paper and plastic notes are a lot lighter to carry around and works well in most
conditions. Digital currency is becoming more popular, does have some limitations for local trading but is quick, fast and light with transactions
across longer distances.
Looking at the growing problems with homelessness and housing vacancy there are some issues with the money supply and its distribution. It is good
Trump is keep Wall st running to get some of the cash flow out and keep industry running.
It is really good to see a business man in the top seat. He has worked with the numbers and understands the problems. If there is to be some kind of
currency reset with all the other issues surfacing, what kind of foundation will make it stronger? Do we really need to base it on anything as long as
the management of it's source can be 'trusted' and how is that achieved?
One concern I have with returning to the gold standard, is there enough gold to account for everything we do? Gold does have trust in being hard,
durable physical item, but just how practical is it for day to day trading?