a reply to:
Look I am NOT from the US but there is something in your history that is very important.
"Taxation WITHOUT Representation".
If you want to know when your country went to the dog's then look no further than when it allowed special interests group's and men with money take
control, when your vote was no longer important, when keeping your people EDUCATED and INFORMED was no longer there priority because that is when you
lost your nation.
As for Communism, you do not have anything like Communism - BUT - Neither did Stalinist Russia or even Leninist Russia, oh they called it communist
but it was more about power to the Party which was NEVER the people of that system and only the Members of the party specifically the high ranking
ones, once Stalin came into control it became a nation under the control of it's secret police and army, communism actually works BUT only on a very
small scale as in closed tiny economy's were everyone works for one another and act's as a single family because that is the only time that it work's
for the community to own almost everything because they are the community and the best example of this working is the early Christian Church and the
more recent Kibbutz model.
What you actually have is an autocracy ran by corporation's and reactionary's, lying to your electorate is nothing new to them but hey guess what
it's pretty much the same everywhere you look in the world these day's, men with money control the world and most government's are mere puppet's of
these men.
Read your constitution and the History behind it "No Taxes without Representation", what does that really mean, does it mean don't pay taxes to a
British Monarch and not being represented or was it the spirit of those word's were the people WANTED to be heard and in control of there own destiny
- the same as in fact the French revolutionary's did, the Russian Revolutionary's did - or was it just for a few, the slave owning founding fathers of
your nation.
But to my mind it mean's this, the people should run your nation through an elected representative in a FAIR and UN- RIGGED system, problem is how do
you keep it fair and how do you make certain it is not rigged, BAN the money from it - how do you do that and still have fund's for those election
campaign's and the financial backers whom then really end up running your nation through there puppet's.
Free Speech - Freedom of the Press - Informed populace.
These word's only make sense when you remember FREE Speech is about the truth or finding out what the truth is.
Freedom of the press in the spirit of that was not about tabloid's printing lewd lies or backing some guy simply because some rich guy wanted him in
power it was actually about freedom to print the truth and not be shut down for doing so - how many time's have your court's and even government sat
on those that did just that, how many reporters are now dead and which press is FREE these day's when they are controlled by an elite few crook's with
huge bank account's that do NOT pay there share of the tax but DO run your country through there puppet's.
Informed populace - how can they be informed if every conspiracy site is attacked, every thing that goes contrary to the thing's that they WANT you
to hear is silenced and every so called official press source is owned by those same guy's that see you as cattle and want to control you.
Now don't get me wrong I am NOT attacking you, your point's of view whomever you people may be or especially your nation but I am making a jibe at
those bad guy's that rule without paying there fair share of the tax through there proxy corporations and political foundations with there puppet's in
power that do NOT represent YOU.
And you are not the only nations in the world with this Universal problem of corruption and suppression of the truth.
How they can protect the worst people in society - those that have all the power and use it only for themselves and whom long ago - maybe even at
it's beginning subverted your political system to there own end's - and not just your system but our's and many other nation's in the world the so
called elite - not all of them but those power players the likes of which just murdered that dirty little man in his cell so that he could not take
some of them down with him as he fell.