posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 08:36 AM
I use tech, but can live without it
but, I'm old, like veitnam old.
I remember in 1983 being pround to be able to commnicate with Washington DC from Hawaii in only 30 seconds.
think about that for a few days.
now, you can talk with anyone almost anywhere on the planet, in realtime.
want to see tech evolution over a period of time? Watch "Buffy" and "Angel" episodes, they start with nothing, get pagers, then flip cell phones. Nope
no smart phones for these kids, the internet is thru a PC with CRT in latter episodes.
My wife and I watch older movies and always at some point in the move, one of us will say "just use your cell phone".
Modern Tech ruins quite a few older movie plot lines......