Hello everyone,
I opened this thread to discuss about the phenomenon "synesthesia".
I expect not to be ridiculed and I do not think I am special. All I want is have a nice discussion here and see if there are some members on ATS who
have that "condition".
Maybe someone reads this thread and understands her or himself better. That would be the best outcome
For those who have never heard that term, I will explain a bit in my own words and post a link.
Synesthesia is a condition where your senses and sometimes memory is connected in unusual ways.
The most known form is seeing tones as colors. Around 10-20% of people in the world seem to share similar senses connected.
The fun part is that it just proofes we all live in our own small worlds. For people that discover the term synesthesia, it is very overwhelming.
Because it is just normal for the individual person. It is how they are.
Over the years it seems, most "check" that there is something off with them. I always thought others are just to lazy to remember, or not trying
hard enough.
I then learned that for example feeling pain as taste is not normal. Sadly, I lost that somewhere when I was 12-13 years old. I am not completely sure
because I was involved in a bad car/truck accident and have problems navigating my memories in that time.
Everything before and after is fine.
I guess everyone knows that feeling if something is very close, without visually seing it. That is how my chorelist in the right corner of my
peripheral vision feels like. I can not see it, but it is there.
Here is a link that will take you to a wikipedia article (so you can kickstart from there if you are interested).
Here is a link to an old ATS thread I found:
Is anyone here that can relate to synesthesia? How and when did you find out? Has your synesthesia changed after that? For the better or worse? If
someone has questions to me, that is okay, I try to answer them.
Please be civil and polite as always.