posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 09:00 AM
I very often try to respond to a post or quote it and when I click the link, I get an empty reply box with none of the user/poster info (if replying)
or the quoted material if quoting. The only reason I'm concerned about this is I'm wondering if it notifies the person I'm replying/quoting of my
response (I think it does, I don't use myATS or control panel very often). It also makes things difficult for the reader to know what I'm
referencing in the thread b/c if there is nothing there the reader probably thinks it's a reply to the OP, at least I'm guessing that is the case
(what do y'all do/think?).
I know people are going to say it's the x:29-x:35 issue of the board when it does it's hourly magic, but that isn't the case as it happens all the
On another note, that hourly issue has seemed to been extended to continuous as it isn't limited to that smaller window of time like it had been, or
at least it seems much longer. IDK if others are noticing this as well. I've tried different internet providers and it's the same on both, so I
don't think its on my end.